Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 12, 1 December 1992 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

First Official KALA in 110 YEARS! Authorized by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs In Observance of the Overthrow of the Monarchy

^at^ers we nee(^ a an imaRe' 1 r • -\Je\M IN THE MONEY WOKLI) the neW ^awanan ^overeisn C()in can C3.raF as it is certainly more than just a m 1 S!LW€f| ^ cotn- With its intrinsic value and authorization by the Office of Hawaiian Ē A Affairs, the Hawaiian Sovereign is "KALA MO'I - SOVEREIGN MONEY".

"He kala hou keia no Hawai'i nei?" "Is this the new money of Hawaii?"


1993 0VERTHR0W DALA 1993 HAWAII SOVEREIGN The Hawaiian Sovereign and the^Overthrovy|f Dala are Hawaii's heritage that you ean hold in your hand . . . or wear % as Jfjewelry. It is an appropriate gift for a baby luau, birthday, wedding or anniver || - sary. It is the gift for friends and business associates that is meaningful ... andp ... jf Hawaiian ... this holiday season. And for just $29, it is an affordable gift. W M The Sovereigns and the Dalas are ^J| easy to order too. Just eall the Royal Hawaiian Mint in Honolulu at (808) j^^^^^^949-6468 and charge it to your Visa or Mastercard. Or stop by llie Mint Kalakaua Avenue (at King & Kalakaua) and see our wide selec- tion of Hawaiian Commemorative Jewelry in gold and silver.

OFFICIAL ORDER FORM ALOHA! Please send me the following order: 1 993 Overthrow Dala at $29.00 eaeh, Please include $4.00 for shipping and handling. One Ounee .999 Fine Silver Proof Hawaii residents must add 4% sales tax. 1993 Hawaii Sovereign at $29.00 eaeh, name One Ounee .999 Fine Silver Proof Overthrow / Sovereign Set at $55.00 eaeh ADDRESS Two One Ounee .999 Fine Silver Proofs city state z1p Gold Hapaiwakalua Sovereign at $86.25 1/20 Ounee .9999 Gold in Plain Mount card no. exp. date Gold Hapa 'umi Sovereign at $156.25 1/10 Ounee .9999 Gold in Rope Mount siGNATURE Call (808) 949-6468 for the full Jewelry selection. DISTRIBUTORS AND S ALE S PEOPLE WELCOME. C O NTACT THE M I NT D I RE CTLY.