Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 1, 1 January 1993 — State, Counties Endorse Legislative Effort [ARTICLE]

State, Counties Endorse Legislative Effort

The Hawai'i Legislature, plus all four of Hawai'i's County Councils, have passed resolutions urging the President of the United States, and the Congress, to honor and fulfill the federal trust obligations to the Native Hawaiian people. These resolutions recognize that Congress established a trust relationships with Native Hawaiians when it: 1. Annexed Hawai'i and received 1.8 million acres of government and crown lands, with condition that such lands be management "solely for the benefit of the inhabitants" of Hawai'i. 2. Enacted the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act in 1921 setting aside 203,000 acres of this land for native Hawaiian homesteads. 3. Impre>sed ceded lands with trust constraints to benefit the puhlie and native Hawaiians. ®