Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 4, 1 April 1993 — Great Hawaiian Plate Lunch Challenge set for June 12 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Great Hawaiian Plate Lunch Challenge set for June 12

The Office of Hawaiian HeaUh and the O'ahu Native Health Council will hold the third Great Hawaiian Plate Luneh Challenge at Honolulu's Kapi'olani Park, Saturday, June 12, from 8:30-12 p.m. The purpose of the challenge is to encourage restaurants and caterers to design and create tasty, affordable native Hawaiian meals whieh conform to health

guidelines, and will send positive messages to the community at large. This challenge is open to restaurateurs, caterers, luneh wagon operators and others in the food industry. Those interested in entering this year should request an entry form from the Office of Hawaiian Heallh, Department of HeaUh, 50 South Beretania Street Suite C-

208 B, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 or telephone 586-4800. Recipes of all entries must be submitted by Mon., May 24, 1993 to ensure that they meet the requirements of the guidelines. A panel of judges from the department of health, the native Hawaiian community, and the media will decide the winners in various categories.