Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 6, 1 June 1994 — Business directory update [ARTICLE]

Business directory update

OHA is updating its Directory of Native Hawaiian-Owned Businesses. The directory's purpose is to showcase the size and variety of Hawaiian-owned businesses and encourage the interaction between Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian companies. It will be available for distribution during the summer or early fall. For more information contact: Office of Hawaiian Affairs Eeonomie DeveIopment Division 711 Kapi'oiani Blvd., Suite 500 Honoiuiu, HI 96813 808-594-1888 Or elip and mail the accompanying response form to OHA.

. / / Yes! I am interested in receiving a copy of the . J Directory of Native Hawaiian-Owned Businesses | ' and having my for-profit business listed within it. I / / 1 am interested in receiving a copy of the upeom- I | ing Directory of Native Hawaiian-Owned | | Businesses. I I | Name:-

| Company I name: | I I ' Address: « • Daytime Phone: . i i