Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 1, 1 January 1995 — BOA class forming for first-time homebuyers [ARTICLE]

BOA class forming for first-time homebuyers

by Jeff Clark Buying a home isn't like buying a plate luneh. Unless you are exceedingly wealthy, you don't just plunk down your money and enjoy. From credit rating, type of mortgage and escrow to points, leases and taxes, there's a lot involved. It ean be overwhelming. To help Hawaiian home lands beneficiaries leam about purchasing or financing the construction of homes on Hawaiian home lands, Bank of America is initiating a homebuyers class. The free class will focus on the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Native Hawaiian Home Loan Program. i "We're going to take them from the beginning to the end - the end being the actual mortgage closing," said Kaui Harrison, Bank of America community lending specialist. The class will cover: • qualifying for a loan; • credit and budgeting; • planning for home ownership; • the basics of mortgage finance; and • basics of DHHL's Native Hawaiian Home Loan Program. "The focus will be on how easier to qualify for mortgage loans," a subject on whieh Harrison spends a lot of time during her interactions with the Hawaiian community, she added. The classes will be held on Saturday momings and will last four hours. Although the class consists of just one session, a lot of information will be covered, so those who feel they need to return for a refresher course are weleome to do so.

There is still space in the February class, whieh will be held in the Leeward O'ahu area on Saturday, Feb. 18 from 8 a.m. until noon. Call Harrison at 545-6006 to sign up or to get more information. Classes will be held on the neighbor islands later in the year; eall Harrison to be put on the mailing list.