Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 5, 1 May 1995 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Hekili Painting & Decorating. Commercial & residential professionals. Telephone/fax number: 237-8545, (Lie. #C-18561). Just $12.50 per eolumn ineh plus 4.167% general excise tax (approximately 1 ineh long by 1 1/2 ineh wide). Up to 24 words per eolumn ineh (hyphenated words count as two words). To qualify for this low classified rate, we niust request that ads do not include artwork or other special layout requirements. To plaee an ad, eall George Vincent.at 235-2285 for a convenient order form. Payment in full must accompany order form.