Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 7, 1 July 1995 — Internet Update [ARTICLE]

Internet Update

OHA Internet address changes OHA's website address has undergone some changes. It ean now be reached at http://planet-hawaii/oha as well as http://hoohana.aloha.net/~oha/index.htrnl. Cyber sign in If you'd like us to know who you are, are interested in more information or want us to send you OHA information releases, leave your name, e-mail address and request on OHA's site sign-in page. We will respond promptly to any reasonable request. Native Hawaiian Data Book online Be sure to eheek out OHA's Native Hawaiian Data Book. This comprehensive research publication features statistics on the current status of native Hawaiians in Hawai'i and is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in understanding or studying Hawaiian issues. The data book has eight chapters: population, housing,

education, health, human services, land, crime, and ineome and employment. Statistical information comes from a variety of state and federal govemment sources and is presented in a user-friendly format on OHA's worldwide web (WWW) site. In addition to the statistics provided, the book also includes background to the issues involved as well as projections for the future. The data book is accessible from OHA's home page: (http://planet-hawaii/oha). Operation 'Ohana information available Hawaiians wishing to enroll in OHA's Operation 'Ohana ean now begin to do so virtually with the press of a button. Information about the program is located on OHA's web site; to get an application sent to their home all Internet users need do is e-mail their name and address directly from the site. (For those not connected to a web browser program, OHA's e-mail address is: (oha@aloha.net )