Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 1, 1 January 1997 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Clayton Hee Chalrman & Trustee, O'ahu Abraham Aiona Vlce-Chalr & Trustee, Maui Moanike'ala Akaka Retiring Tnjstee, Hawai'i Hannah Kihalani Springer Retking Trustee, Hawai'l Rowena Akana Trustee-At-Large Billie Beamer Trustee-At-Large A. Frenchy DeSoto Trustee-At-Large Kīna'u Boyd Kamali'i Retiring Trustee-At-Large Haunani Apoliona lncoming Trustee-At-Large Moses K. Keale, Sr. Trustee. Kaua'i & Nl'ihau Samuel L. Kealoha, Jr. Retiring Trustee, Moioka'i & Lōna'i Colette Pi'i'pi'i Machado incoming Trustee. Moioka'l & Lōna'i ADMINISTRA710N Linda Colburn Administrator Sesnita A. Moepono Deputy Administrator Martha Ross Deputy Adminlstrator PubHsh©d by the Offlc© of Hawa8an Affa)rs Pubiic lnformat1on Offlc© Barbara Hastings PuPHe information Ofticer Deborah Lee Ward PuPlicatlons Specialist Kelli Meskin Barbra An Pleadwell PuPHcations Editors Ka Wal Ola O OHA "The Living Water of OHA" Publtshed monthty by the Office of Hawaiians Affairs, 711 Kapi'olani Boulevard, 5th floor, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813. īelephone: 594-1888 or 1-800-468-4644 ext. 41888. Fax: 594-1865. Emaii: oha@aloha.net. World Wlde Web address is http://planet-hawail.com/oha. Clrculation ls 67,000 coples, 60,000 of whleh are distributed by mail. 7.000 are distrlbuted through !sland offlces, state and county offices, prlvate and community agencies and target groups and indivlduals. Ka Wai Ola O OHA ls prlnted by RFD Publications, ine. Hawallan fonts are provided by Coconut info. Advertislng in Ka Wai Ola O OHA does not constitute an endorsement of products or individuals by the Office of Hawailan Affairs. Some graphlcs are from Click Hawaiian® Art. © 1996 Varez/0. Ka Wai Oia O OHA is pubilshed by the Office of Hawailan Affairs to help inform its Hawaiian beneficiaries and other lnterested parties about Hawalian issues and activltfes, and OHA programs and efforts. Notice to Readers: Ka Wai Ola O OHA will accept for consideration news releases and letters to the edltor on topics of relevance and lnterest to OHA and native Hawalians, as well as calendar events and reunlon notices. Ka Wal Ola O OHA reserves the rtght to edit all material for length and content, or not to publlsh as ava!lable space or other considerations may requlre. Unsoiiclted manuscrtpts are not accepted. A copy of the newspaper is malled eaeh month to the oidest regtstered OHA voter at eaeh address, fo be shared by the household. To keep receivlng Ka Wai Ola O OHA, piease remember to vote in eaeh electlon. Our malling list is based on the OHA voter llsts and when the City and County clerks purge the list of non-voters, our iist is also affected. Mahalo! For advertising rates and lnformation. eall OHA at 594-1980. © 1996 Office of Hawailan Affairs. All rights reserved. I