Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 12, 1 December 1998 — National award [ARTICLE]

National award

Pacifīc Islanders in Communication, part of the National Public Broadcasting Minority Consortia, has received a nahonal media award for its exceptional contributions to the filed of independent film and video. The award was presented by the National Alhanee for Media Arts and Culture in a ceremony on Oct. 22 in Pittsburgh. "This is a tremendous honor for us, and one that recognizes PIC and the Consortia's unique role in shaping a national consciousness about diversity. AsAmerica increasingly becomes multicultural, there will be greater need for programs such as ours, whieh illuminate history, challenge stereotypes and spark meaningful dialogue about who we are as a people and a nation," PIC executive director Carlyn Tani said. PIC supports and promotes public television programs by and about Pacific Islanders, among them "Then There Were None ," " Story - tellers ofthe Pacific " and " Happy Birthday, Tūtū RuthT
