Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 6, 1 June 2000 — June unity march [ARTICLE]

June unity march

Kīna'u Boyd Kamali'i and Ho'omalu ma Kualoa announced that a march promoting Hawaiian unity and solidarity is planned for June 1 1 in Honolulu. Organizers hope to bring all supporters of Hawaiian causes together on Kamehameha Day, noting that Kamehameha I was successful in bringing all the islands under single rule. The march, with the theme of "Walking in the Footsteps of Kamehameha 2000," will begin at the Waiklkl end of Ala Moana Park at 9 a.m., proceed up Atkinson Dr. and tum left on Kapi'olani Blvd. Ho'okupu will be offered at the Kamehameha statue, and the march will end at 'Iolani Palaee.

"All are weleome, and we encourage you to eome as family with diverse backgrounds," said organizer Linda K. Delaney. For updated information, eall 941-4946.