Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 8, 1 August 2000 — Rice fees [ARTICLE]

Rice fees

Freddy Rice's lawyers expect $3.6 million for their bigoted attack against the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Native Hawaiian people! Is there no limit to their white male arrogance? Goemans says he is worth $300 an hour for his nasty mischief. The Gibson firm is asking $565 an hour for 3,200 hours. Goemans says the case made him unpopular. My heart bleeds for him. And Rice says, "Whatever they ask for, as far as I'm concemed, is not enough." Not enough! That ffom the man whose ranch is land taken from the Hawaiian people in the Mahele. And lawyers say they will not ask Rice for any money. A charity case is he? Goemans is trying to recruit nonHawaiians to run in the Office of Hawaiian Affairs elections. All of us who are not Hawaiian should refuse to participate in OHA elections and allow the Hawaiian people to elect their own representatives. We should not allow the state to pay a penny of our money for Rice's ugly, meanspirited attack on our host people. Rice carried it to an extreme. Rice actually said, "This will secure my plaee in history." Let him sell the ranch to pay for it. Nancy Bey Little Honolulu

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