Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 1, 1 January 2001 — ʻOHANA REUNIONS [ARTICLE]


Planning a reunion? Looking for family information? Ka Wai Ola o OHA 's 'Ohana Reunions eolumn welcomes submissions for publication. Send us your information including family name, event date, location and contact. Reunion announcements are run free-of-charge, on a space available basis, and may be sent by mail to Ka Wai Ola, 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500, Honolulu, Hl 96813, by fax to 808-594-1865 or by email to oha@aloha.net.

Kahanaoi/Pomaikai — A Kahanaoi-Pomaikai reunion is scheduled for Sat., Oct. 6 at Nānākuli Ranch, 5-10 p.m. A planning meeting is scheduled for Jan. 6, 5:30 p.m., at Joseph Kuhiiki's residence, 87-119 La'ikū St. in Princess Kahanu Estates. For information, eall Jeanne Kahanaoi at 668-791 1. Kaleo/Tilton — Descendants of James Makoleokalani Kaleo and Louisa Kau'a Tilton are having a reunion on Memorial Day weekend. Please contact us if you have pictures of ancestors to bring to the reunion. For information, contact Lorraine Adolpho at 808-244-0663; Douglas Sado at 808-244-5647; or Pedro Sado Jr. at 808-572-0185, email PMMPUKA@aol.com. Kaupiko — A kaupiko 'ohana reunion is planned for Aug. 10-11 in Hilo. All Kaupiko family members are weleome. Those interested in helping plan and organize should eall Alberta Kaupiko Nathaniel in Hilo at 808-959-9865 or

Spencer (Buzzy) Ytm in Honolulu at 395-2466, or email skyim @ hawaii .rr. eom. Kawā'auhau — The descendants of the Kawā'auhau brothers - Daniel (wife: Ali'ikapeka Kahuna, children: Pahio, Kahalepō, Keli'ikuh, Kahanapule, Kapeliela, Kaulahao and Paulo); Philip (wife: Kahele Ka'aiwaiū, children: Kaleikauea, Makia Kekumu, Kauka and Ha'aheo); and John (wife: Waiwai'ole, children: James and Henry K. Hart, Anna, Keli'ihelelā and Auhana); are having a family reunion June 28-3 1, at Miloh'i Park in South Kona. Please eontact us so we ean update the mailing hst and genealogy information. Bih Kahele, 144 Ka'ie'ei Pl„ Hilo, HI 96720, 808-959-1607; Germaine Kila, 91-1363 Maliko St„ 'Ewa, HI 96706, 681-3431; Lester and Roberta Delos Reyes, P.O. Box 1345, Kaunakakai, HI 96748, 808-553-3908; and Diane Rocha Carlos, 41984 Waikupanalu St„ Waimānalo, HI 96795, 259-6478.

Kelley — A Kehey reunion is being planned for July 27-29 by the grandchildren of Edward Albert and Maraea Nāmāhoe Kelley. Grandpa and Grandma Kelley had eight daughters and four sons. Daughters are Meah'i Richardson Kalama, Irene Raphael, Mary Kaoihana, Adele Delmendo, Beatrice Miller, Berniee Chee, Ruby Kalama and EUen Jane Hale. Sons are Lawrence, Walter, Ned and Clarence KeUey. We would like to update the family tree and maihng hst. For information, eaU Hernietta "Sista" Clemons at 734-3834, Harriet KeUey at 533-2043, or BiUy Kelley at 946-61 10. Kūhiō/Pupuka — The 'ohana of Lui Kahele Kūhiō and Margaretha Pupuka is planning a reunion July 7-8 at Hōnaunau Beach, South Kona, Hawai'i. Descendants include Mokuohai, Laninui, Palakiko, Kumulau, Kaaihue, Maha, Ahn, Lupua, Shin, Kehikinolua, Kina, Kelekolio, Kelepole, Kekuewa and Lahapa. For information, eaU George and

Trina Cho on O'ahu at 488-1827, email keokiokona@aol.com; or Henry and Bea Cho in Kona at 808-328-2367. McKeague — We are in search of MeKeague 'ohana descending from John "Tūtū Haole" McKeague and his children Zachariah, Louis Mahiai, Daniel, Robert John, Carohne and Daisy. Family would like to update its mailing list, form a reunion planning committee and review genealogy information. Contact Lauiie McKeague at 626-1901, 273-2952 (pgr), email mckeaguel001@hawah.rr.com or write to 95-1032 Aoakua St„ Mililani, HI 96789. Meeau — I am trying to trace my great-great-grandmother, Meeau (origins unknown), wife of Eugene Bal of France. He became citizen of Kingdom of Hawai'i in 1858, and married her at St. Anthony Cathohc Church in Wailuku that same year. They moved to Moloka'i and owneei property in Pūko'o. There are six children that we know of, including

Emma, who manied Francis Skirving Dunn on Moloka'i, officiated by Father Damien. Bal arrived in Hawai'i with fellow passengers Dudoit and Duvauchelle. We believe that Meeau died in 1885, and wonder if her remains are on Moloka'i. To our knowledge, there are no existing government records. If you have information, contact Don Garcia by email at mailto:talyne@hgea.org, write to 2036 Kolo Pl., Wailuku, HI 96793, or eall 808-244-3269. Tilton — A reunion is planned for the descendants of James Makoleokalani and Louisa Kanwa Tilton. Their offspring are Mary Kahinu Kaleo (Ahue), Isaac Kilinahe Kaleo, Charles Kanaina Kaleo, Bessie Kekaukapu Kaleo (Pedro), Thomas Kauloakeahi Kaleo, Florence Kuuleikaimana Kaleo (Ichinose) and Nancy Kaiminaauao Kaleo (Sado). The event wiU be held on Maui next Memoiial Day weekend, May 25-27. A family reunion is being planned on the island of Maui. For information, eall Lorraine Adolpho, 244-0663; Douglas Sado, 2445647; Pedro Sado, 572-0185; or email PMMPUKA @ aol.com. Wright - Kaaukai/Koo - Kapahunui — The descendants of WiUiam E. Wright and Enuly Kaaukai and Henry Koo and Rebecca aka "Lipeka" or "Kaihoha" Kapa^unui are planning a WRIGHT 'ohana reunion July 27-29. William and EmUy's son, Thomas Harris Wright and his wife, Kailani Koo, had many ehUdren, including WiUiam EUis Wright Sr., Rosetta (Wright) Ha'o, George Fox Wright, Lucinda Kinia (Wright) Kaeo, Charlotte Wright, and Harris Ellis Wnght. Also looking for descendants of other chUdren of Thōmas and Kailani who are unaccounted for. Henry Koo and Rebecca Kapahunui had five ehildren; Henry Kahaawinui, Kailani Koo, John Au, Loka(k) and Kaeo(k). We are also looking for volunteers to help on various committees. For more information, next meehng date, loeahon and time, contact, on O'ahu; Ethelynne at 808-845-1673 or send email to tine@iav.com; Alvin K. Wright, 808-845-4713, or send emaU to hereigo@gte.net; Alane Dalit, 808-845-01 14 or send email to alane.dalit@gte.net; On Hawai'i island: Renee Carvalho 808-959-0353 or send email to reneec@hawau.edu; On the mainland: Sherrilynn K. Flowerree (San Diego, CA), 619-264-4433 or send email to shksf@pacbeU.net.. ■