Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 7, 1 July 2001 — Retiree benefits [ARTICLE]

Retiree benefits

With the recent passage of the newly revised Public Employees Health Fund, by the legislature and Gov. Ben Cayetano, this will

have a negative effect on many of us retired Hawaiians and others who went to work for the various counties and the State of Hawai'i. j Many of us are living on fixed incomes and cannot afford the j proposed payments for health , care and medication. This is grossly unfair to all the civil service retiree's and their families. | Years ago, we went to work as poliee officers, firefighters, cor- , rections officers, refuse collectors, ^ etc., with compensation being on the low end, but with the promise of full medical benefits for ourselves and our spouses when we retired. Now the legislature and Cayetano have, in part, taken this away from us. We need to have this Health Fund Act amended or totally repealed in the next legislative session. Contact your area legislators and lame duck Gov. Ben Cayetano. Remind them that everybody is up for re-election in two years and changes ean be made. Mahalo. Steven T. Kalani Burke Sr. Co-chair: Hui Ana O Maka'i Pearl City