Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 4, 1 April 2004 — Federal recognition like 'mad cow' [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Federal recognition like 'mad cow'

The "scarecrow" strategy of deception presently being used to massage the federal recognition bill through the Hawaiian community is like the mad eow disease! To deny the truth is tantamount to the wasting or destruction of gray matter. Before you or any of your family step into the slaughterhouse of irrelevance with no redemption: STOP, LOOK and LISTEN to the moans and wails of previously naive people. Those fat-cat Hawaiians who use the loss of tax-exempt status as an excuse for recognition approval are totally inept and blinded by greed. The minor bureaucrats who work the nonprofit-status scam in order to acquire a federal pittance are disgusting. The rest of you total idiots who buy this deception are firstclass fools. Please, ka poe Hawai'i, emulate the late Joseph Kaho'ohuli Nāwahīokalani'ōpu'u, who was a self-taught lawyer who mastered the English laws and languages, advised the Crown, was elected to a legislative seat from Puna, published a Hawaiian-language newspaper with his wife, and resisted the enemies of the Crown through his writing and speech-making skills. A true patriot to his beloved Kingdom of Hawai'i. Federal recognition is designed to keep all of us who love Hawai'i in holding pens at the USA feedlots waiting to tagged, branded or exterminated. The signatures of our ancestors who grace the anti-annex-ation petitions of 1897-98 must never be compromised for expedienee. Injustice is injustice! We must never forget their bravery and steadfast passion to right the wrong! Vernal Pe'a Lindsey, Kaimū, Puna

Ka i fo Kaiāiiiii