Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 11, 1 November 2006 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

AmeneaH Savinfīs Hank i.s privilcf;til <>ffcr thc Ho'olako ī»ono loan program, whieh pro\ idci> cxpandcd financīng optīons avaUablc to Departmcnt of 1 īawalian llome Lands (DHIIL) lcssees. Convcntional loans up to 5625.500 1 03% finincing avaītable (īūme restrictionī ipply) Fixed interest rates: Principal and incerest payments will rtot chnnge C.ash out refinanqes (some resrricrinnī. ;ippfy} Loan? are serviced locally - r»o need to eall oux of stace with t(ijest»ūns. A toll-free phone number i$ available fbr r>et£hbor island bomowers One-time-close eonstructior loan Speak to one of our loan ofFicers today. Oahu 593-1226 • Maui 872-4999 • Kauai 632-5050 Hitp 933.7599 • Kona 933-8215 Tol! Free 1-800-272-2566 □ AMERICAN imĪīī fdic eom Savings Bank