Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 6, 1 June 2007 — Press on, move forword, there is no retreat [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Press on, move forword, there is no retreat

Haunani Apuliuna. MSW Chairpersūn, TrustEE, At-large

Eō, e nā 'ōiwi 'ōlino, nā pulapula a Hāloa, mai Hawai'i a Ni'ihau, puni ke ao mālamalama. In the federal courts, dismissal of the Arakaki v. Lingle litigation reported in May's KWO and the out of court settlement reached in Doe v. Kamehameha, both events to be celebrated, have delayed the U.S. Supreme Court's involvement in Native Hawaiian matters. However, in this post-Rice era, we realize that Native Hawaiian matters remain in "harms way," and the federal courts will continue to be a tool used by those who oppose the interests of aboriginal, indigenous natives. In the legislature of our nation, the U.S. Congress, 1 1 Oth session, is at mid-point in its first term. The Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2007 (S .3 10 and H.R. 505) is at its best, most compelling position since 2000. On Wednesday, May 2, 2007, H.R. 505, the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2007 was passed unanimously, by voice vote, without amendments, by members of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources. The date for action on H.R. 505 on the floor of the U.S. House is pending. On Thursday, May 3, 2007, the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs heard testimony on S. 310. Two panels of testifiers were convened. Panel one included the State of Hawai'i, represented by Mark I. Bennett, attorney general; the U.S. Department of Iustice represented by Gregory Katsas; and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs represented by Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Haunani Apoliona and attorney William Mehe'ula. Panel two included H. William Burgess, attorney for the plaintiffs in the Arakaki case, and Viet D. Dihn, a professor at the Georgetown University Law Center and former assistant attorney general in the U.S. Department of

Iustice. Both Katsas and Burgess presented testimony in opposition to S. 310. On Thursday, May 10, 2007, members of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs reported S . 3 1 0 out of committee with no amendments. The date for action on S. 310 on the floor of the U.S. Senate is pending. It is the first time in seven years that this legislation for Native Hawaiians is poised and ready, at the same time, for floor action in their respective ehambers. Successful congressional enactment of the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2007, before the close of this first term, is expected. A veto action by President George W. Bush is speculated, but uncertain, at this date. Strategists will monitor that possibility. In the Hawaiian community, both in Hawai'i and across the nation and the world, outreach and registration for Kau Inoa continues. The count is nearing 67,000 registrations. Enrollment of Native Hawaiians is progressing very well, but at minimum, we seek to triple this count. Those on the rolls of Kau Inoa are to be commended for their commitment to advance Native Hawaiian self-deter-mination toward organizing our Native Hawaiian governance for the future. Those who have registered must also stay informed and be ready to chart the future direction for Hawaiians and Hawai'i, should the State of Hawai'i decide that a state Constitutional Convention is to be eonvened by 2010. Article XII of the Hawai'i Constitution relates to the Hawaiian Homes Coimnission Act, Acceptance of Compact, Compact Adoption; Procedures after Adoption, Puhlie Trust, Office of Hawaiian Affairs; Establishment of Board of Trustees, Powers of Board of Trustees; and Traditional and Customary Rights. Finally, stay actively informed by tuning in via radio or internet, Monday through Friday to Nā 'Ōiwi 'Ōlino, OHA's two-hour daily broadcast happening in Hawai'i from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Alaska, Pacific, Mountain, Central and East Coast residents ean tune in via Internet, time zones considered, by logging onto am940hawaii.com. Press on, move forward, there is no retreat. 31/48 m