Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 3, 1 March 2008 — Support Clinton [ARTICLE]

Support Clinton

There is the mandate of "change" being cited in the current presidential campaign, and why not with the poor showing of President Bush? And it is evident that one candidate is the harbinger for change. For about 200 years there has been an occupant of the White House of one gender, while other nations have had men and women leaders. The British had Queen Victoria and lately Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Fady. The gender I speak about ean represent half the population's voices, and the candidate I speak of is U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton. I wish to point out that it was a Clinton president who signed the Apology Bill, Public Faw 103-150, a century after the 1893 overthrow of Hawai'i's Queen. Hillary Clinton has the option to support the Apology Bill and follow up on the actions of her husband. She has publicly declared that she the candidate for change, and I believe that this is true: she is a woman with the experience and the track record to prove it. I would also point out that it was a Clinton that started the effort to declare the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands the largest marine protected area in the world with the formation of the Coral Reef Reserve way back in 1999. It was also a Clinton who left office with a huge budget surplus in the billions of dollars, whieh was wasted by Bush and his colleagues, leaving us in debt by trillions of dollars. The track record is clear of what a Clinton has done and ean accomplish. BuzzyAgard Honolulu


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