Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 11, 1 November 2008 — Page 29 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

mation on my 'ohana and looking for relatives. I am in prison at Ihe moment and have no resources to help me locate any of my 'ohana. I would like to ask anyone with information, or who knows if a genealogy has ever been done on Ihe Alapai 'ohana to please write to me at SCC, 1252 East Arica Road, Eloy, AZ 85231. I am eager to learn about my roots and where I eome from Mahalol Kahulamu- We are seeking Kahulamu descendants of Kahalu'u, N. Kona, Hawai'i, to fill ihe missing gaps in our genealogies. We descend from Gen. 1: Mokuhiwalani and Lonokahikini (w). Gen. 2: Mahoe & Kapolohiwa (w). Gen. 3: Kahikuonamoku & Pa'e (w). Gen 4.: Mahoe II & Kihauanu (w). Gen. 5: Kaloakukahiluuloa & Kanoena (w). Gen. 6: Kahakanakuaalu aka Kuaalu (k), Kauhanenuiohonokawailani (w), Kauwe (k), Kahikuonamoku II (k), Kauhiololi (w), Kapuahelani (k), Keliihulamu / Kahulamu & Haliaka Hana. Gen. 7: Keliimoeawakea Kahulamu, John Robert Kahulamu & Namakaohalou Kahikimakaokeawe, Keliimoehonua Kahulamu (k), Keliikeikiole / Keikiole Kahulamu & Hina, Kawahineaea Kahulamu (k), Kauauanui Kahulamu (k), Kanoena II Kahulamu (w), Ben Kahulamu & Julia N. Kahinu, and Kalaaukala Kahulamu (k). E kahea au, 808-329-7274. Kaohi - My name is Howard S. Kaohi from Hanapēpē, Kaua'i. I am tr}dng to locate genealogical information about my grandfather, Joseph Kalua Kaohi's siblings. Joseph Kalua Kaohi was born in 1894 in Niuli'i, N. Kohala. He married Rachael Kaneheokalani Hanohano Makea. The}' lived in Honolulu for a while, Ihen moved to Kaua'i. My grandfather had several brothers and sisters born in N. Kohala: William, Emmaline, Harriet, Emily Kapunohuulaokala, Amelia and Benjamin. If you have any information on ihe Kaohi 'ohana from N. Kohala, please contact me at kaohis001@hawaii.rr.com or write P.O. Box 1094, Kōloa, HI 96756. Nailima - I am searching for children born to Hoaeae and Emnia Kai Kahaikupuna Nailima, residents of Kalawao, Moloka'i, at the Leper Settlement. There were eight ehildren born to this marriage by Ihe names of Napeliela Kaanaana bom 1911, Mary Joseph Wahineaukai born 1913, Joseph Kealalio born 1914 who died at 9 months old, Aliee Kaakau born 1915 and died at age 1, Lui Alois born 1916, Aliee Kaakau Hoolapa born 1917, Philomena Kaimilani born 1918 and Malie Kaeha born 1919. If you know any of these children please eall Pamela Nakagawa. I would like to share stories and pictures. Please eall 808-587-4392 during the day and 808-520-8800 during Ihe evening. You may email me at pnakagawa71@yahoo.com Na'ipo - Searching for Ihe heirs of my grandfather's brother, Alan Na'ipo. He had two daughters. I am Kala Bernard, son of Samuel Keawe Bernard Sr. and Lilly Naiheali'i Keali'i Mahi'aimoku Na'ipo. My grandparents were Benjamin Keawe'aheulu Na'ipo of Kohala and Lilly Ho'opale of Kona. Any information, please contact Kala Bernard at 808-843-1116 home, or 808-954-2976 eell.