Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 2, 1 February 2009 — Ceded lands belong to Howaiians [ARTICLE]

Ceded lands belong to Howaiians

These are times that try men's ... pocketbooks. For Hawaiians, these are times that stretch their souls to the utmost limits. With the Lingle administration's drive for absolute rule, the State of Hawai'i intends to subvert its way into total possession of the crown and government lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom, whieh rightfully belong to Hawaiians, legally and morally. State of Hawai'i vs. Office of Hawaiian Ajfairs now before the U.S. Supreme Court may backfire on the state. Leon Siu's The Hawai'i Factor. A U.S. Dilemma posted as a link on hawaiiankingdom.info Dec. 16, 2008, highlights this emerging confrontation. "Recent developments indicate a rapidly approaching day of reckoning for the longstanding offense of the illegal occupation of Hawai'i by the United States. The consequences will not only affect the U.S. and Hawai'i, but will have significant international impact as well." According to Siu, Barack Ohama will be implicated in the mix. Dr. David Keanu Sai's article in the JournaI of Law and Social Challenges (Fall 2008) and his dissertation flesh out point for point Hawaiian Kingdom poliīieal status contrasted with indigenous status, the relationship of Hawai'i to the U.S. as two international units, and Hawai'i's transition from occupied to restored state. These two authors supply the sharper image needed to make valid distinctions. Keahi Felix Kea'au, Hawai'i

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