Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 2, 1 February 2009 — Lingle, withdraw ceded lands case [ARTICLE]

Lingle, withdraw ceded lands case

Many people all over the world disagree strongly with what you are doing regarding the ceded lands. The ceded lands case should be withdrawn, you are creating a mess for the Hawaiian people, who have been suffering for so long under bad policies, and now your case continues the assault even further. This issue is not limited to your "state." Many people from all over the world outside Hawai'i, including myself, are very interested to see what you are doing in tenns of the ceded lands, and so far what you are doing is clearly wrong all the way around. I hope and pray that you will realize the mess you are making for Hawaiian people and withdraw the ceded lands case in the U.S. Supreme Court. One rarely sees the colonizer doing the right thing for the eolonized in today's modern world, but why would you want to be yet another "colonizer" making bad decisions that will eonhnue the bad legacy of relations with Hawaiian people? Please do the right thing in this new year of 2009. Glen Venezio San Juan, Puerto Rico