Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 1, 1 January 2010 — Age is but a number [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Age is but a number

More than 900 people gathered to celebrate the 90th birthday of William S. Richardson, namesake of the state's only law school, at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. The Dec. 4 fundraiser at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort and Spa Coral Ballroom honored "C.J. Richardson" — as in Chief Justice - a nod toward his service as the former head of the Hawai'i Supreme Courtfrom 1966 to 1982. The Richardson Court is noted for helping to expand Native Hawaiian rights to use private property as well as for increasing access to private lands to beaches. The Roosevelt High and UH-Mānoa graduate earned his law degree from the University of Cincinnati and fought for decades for the establishment of a law school, whieh opened in 1 973. "Because of C.J. Richardson's vision and perseverance, almost 2,500 men and women - many from underrepresented, minority and Native Hawaiian communities - are now practicing law in the puhlie and private sectors, holding elected office, leading community and legal services organizations, teaching law and serving in the Judiciary," the birthday flyer said. Richardson's storied career includes service as chairman of the Hawai'i Democratic Party from 1 956 to 1 962, lieutenant governor under John Burns and Bishop Estate Trustee. Burns' son Jim Burns, a retired chief appellate judge, attended the birthday party. 0f the inihal funds raised, $35,000 will endow the Amy C. Richardson Fund, whieh provides scholarships, in memory of C.J. Richardson's wife. The remaining funds will directly support the law school's Building Excellence Project to design, renovate and build needed sustainable space. A eolleehon of Richardson's opinions has been compiled into the book Ka Lama Kū 0 Ka Ho'eau - īhe Standing īorch of \Nisdom. Copies are on sale for $50 or, for an autographed copy, $1 00, and will benefit the building project. To buy a copy, eontact Jennifer Hee at Jennifer.Hee@uhf.hawaii.edu or 956551 6. - Photo: Courtesy ofBrad Goda Photography