Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 1, 1 January 2011 — Niʻihau scholarship fund honors former OHA Trustee [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Niʻihau scholarship fund honors former OHA Trustee

By Zach Villanueva Students fromNi'ihau have until Feb. 18 to apply for a new scholarship fund set up specifically for their pursuit of higher education. The Jean Ileialoha Beniamina Fund was established by Wayne Rapozo and the Rapozo 'ohana with the support of the Beniamina 'ohana in memory of Ilei Beniamina, who devoted her life to education and culture. Born on the island of Ni'ihau, Beniamina attended Kamehameha Schools and graduated from the University of Hawai'i-Hilo with a bachelor's degree in education and master's degree in Hawaiian language and literature. She served as an Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee in 2000. Her love for Hawaiian language and the Hawaiian people was

evident. "She embodied many things of Ni'ihau: bravery and courage, pride and excellence in education and culture, and a sense of humility," said Wayne Rapozo. Rapozo said the Beniamina fund recognizes and supports the Ni'ihau community's work to emphasize education for its youth, whieh Beniamina was an important part of. The community's unique legacy remains its significant contribution to language and culture in Hawai'i, he said. "Aunty Ilei and the Ni'ihau

students she worked so hard for are proof that all of us ean successfully straddle two worlds, the traditional one and the modern one that we all face today," he said in a statement. The scholarship is being administered by the Hawai'i Community Foundation. To qualify, scholarship applicants must: demonstrate hnaneial need, have a minimum GPA of 2.7 and be a current resident of Ni'ihau or Kaua'i. Applicants must also submit two letters of recommendation, an essay describing family descent and its eonneehon to Ni'ihau (hānai relationships will be honored). Students should also describe their proficiency in Hawaiian language and any Hawaiian courses taken. The ability to speak Hawaiian is not a requirement, but preferenee will be given to those fluent or proficient in Hawaiian. For more information or to apply, visit www. hawaiicommunityfoundation.org. ■

Jean lleialoha Keale Beniamina. - Photo: KWO archives