Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 4, 1 April 2011 — SLACK KEY GUITAR & ʻUKULELE CONCERTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


Fris., 4 p.m. and Suns., 3 p.m. For almost 12 years, Doug and Sandy McMaster, Hawaiian slack key composers, have organized edueahonal concerts that showcase the traditional style of slack key music and teach audiences how the music was born and has evolved over the years. Concerts are every Friday and Sunday at Hanalei Community Center. $20, $15. (808) 826-1469 or www.mcmasterslackkey.com.

Enjoy nahenahe traditional slack key at twice weekly concerts by Kaua'i's Doug and Sandy McMaster. - Courtesy photo by Wendy Kalemha