Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 1, 1 January 2014 — Free tax help [ARTICLE]

Free tax help

Free tax assistance will be available for low- to moderate-income taxpayers starting in February at locations statewide. The Hawai'i Allianee for Community Based Eeonomie Development's Free Tax Assistance and Asset Building Program operates and coordinates the free tax help sites in conjunction with the IRS program known as VITA, or Volunteer Ineome Tax Assistance. Since it began in 2006, the program has helped 21,539 taxpayers save more than $3.6 million in tax preparation fees and elaim more than $31.1 million in refunds, including $15.7 million in tax credits, such as the earned ineome tax credit. The program is Hawai'i's largest, offering services at 46 sites and clinics through a network of partners that includes nonprofits, Ananeial institutions, educational institutions and credit unions. The program also offers free workshops and classes to help taxpayers understand taxes, tax credits and generally make better decisions about the refunds they receive, and by providing incentives to save. To locate a site near you, eall 211 after Dec. 3 1. Qr, see a full list of sites online at www.hawaiitaxhelp.org. Volunteers are being recruited for the upcoming tax season. No experience is necessary and training and materials are free. For information, go to www.hawaiitaxhelp.org or email program director Susan Tamanaha at stamanaha@hacbed.org.