Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 10, 1 October 2014 — KIM, DENNIS C.H. REPUBLICAN [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


Q1. First of all, the Hawai'i Community Development Authorityneeds to allow OHAto develop those properties. The

master plan for the makai lands needs to be well conceived and agreed upon. I support the commercial and/or residential development on these properties with two exceptions: 1. No casinos. 2. Any residential development should be for low- and/ or moderate-income families. No luxury units. Its proximity to both the Ward Warehouse

development and the transit station gives OHA many options and alternatives. This is why the master plan is critical to its development. Q2. Native Hawaiian nation building is the most controversial, confusing and complicated issue facing all Hawaiians. Before any action is taken, I believe that all sides need to eome together and agree with eaeh other. Otherwise there may never be a palatable solution for everyone. If I ean help with this, I would weleome the opportunity, but at this point in time the Hawaiian Community is very fractionalized.