Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 1, 1 January 2016 — The Season of Lonoikamakaliiki [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

The Season of Lonoikamakaliiki

Makahiki observances bring peaee and renewal

By Kai Markell The traditional season of Makahiki commences as the Makali'i, the star-cluster Pleiades appears in the sky and lasts four months. In honor of Lono, the season is a time of peaee, renewal and gratitude. On November 23, 2015, Waiawa Correctional Facility pa'ahao held their inaugural Makahiki observances through the combined efforts of the Native Hawaiian Church, Paeihe Justice and Reconciliation Center, OHA and the Department of Puhlie Safety. Lonoikamakahiki signified his presence in the pouring cleansing rains. The next day, November 24, Hālawa Correctional Facility pa'ahao continued their bi-annual tradition of Makahiki observances with ceremonies and protocol. ■

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