Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 2, 1 February 2016 — pepeluali [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


AMY HANAIALI'I - THE VOICE RETURNS Feb. 5, 7 p.m. Singer-songwriterAmy Hanaiali'i is returning to Kalihu Theatre on Hawai'i Island, and offering free admission to those who saw her perform in December without her full voice. Ask for Renee to "See Amy Again," otherwise tickets are $20-$68. http://kahilutheatre.org, (808) 885-6868. CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS Feb. 5, 5 to 10 p.m. and Feb. 6, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Celebrate the Year of the Monkey with food, lion dances, firecrackers and more at the Chinatown Cultural Plaza or venture out to the Chinatown Open House, Fri., 5 to 9 p.m. and enjoy firecrackers and the lion dance. www.chinesechamber.com. MUD PIES AND MAGIC Feb. 6, 4:30 p.m. Catch the closing performance of Lee Cataluna's two short plays, whieh explore how generations "play" together and what they learn from eaeh other when they do. Presented by Honolulu Theatre for

Youth. $10-$20. Tenney Theatre, Cathedral of St. Andrew. Call 839-9885 or visit boxoffice@ htyweb.org. HĀLAU I KA WEKIU: GOTTA LOVE OUR HOME Feb. 6, 1 and 5 p.m. Our island home is the theme of Kauakoko Foundation's annual

concert celebrating love. Join students of Hālau I Ka Wēkiu and a surprise guest. Tickets $20- $40. Tickets available at the Hawai'i Theatre Box Office, by phone at (808) 528-0506 or online at www.hawaiitheatre.com. 'ŌHI'A LEHUA Feb. 6 and Feb. 27, 9:30 to 10:30 a.ni Learn about the vital role of ōhi'a lehua in native Hawaiian forests during an easy one-mile walk. Free. Enter at the Kahuku Unit of the Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park on the mauka side of Highway 1 1 near marker 70.5 and meet in the parking lot. www.nps.gov/havo.

PEOPLE AND LAND OF KAHUKU Feb. 7, Feb. 21 and Mar. 20, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Explore the human history of Kahuku during a moderate twomile, three-hour guided hike through emerging native forest, pastures, lava fields and other sites that hold clues about the way people have lived and worked on the Kahuku lands. Free, Enter at the Kahuku Unit of the Hawai'i Volcanoes Nahonal Park on the mauka side of Highway 11 near marker 70.5 and meet in the parking lot. ww w. np s . go v/havo .

'AHA MELE HO'OMAl O'AHU 2016 Feb. 13, 1:30 p.m. Featuring perfomances by Nā Wai, Kamakakēhau Fernandez and all 13 Pūnana Leo a me Nā Kula Kaiapuni, the 28th annual "Ho'omau" concert supports Hawaiian language immersion schools. Bishop Museum, Great Lawn. Tickets $10-$ 15 presale, $15-$20 at the door. Free for keiki under 12. www.hoomauoahu.org.

HISTORIC PLACES OF WORSHIP LECTURES Thursdays, noon to 1 p.m. through March 10 University of Hawai'i-Mānoa's Historic Preservation Program is hosting a series of free lunehtime lectures on historic places of worship and challenges related to their preservation. For more information about eaeh week's lecture, visit www.historic hawaii.org/20 15/1 2/22/expert satthe cathedral Free. Cathedral of St. Andrew, Von Holt Room.

PANA'EWA STAMPEDE RODEO Feb. 13 and 14 Enjoy teamroping, barrel racing, bronco riding and bull riding at the annual rodeo, this year featuring Beach Ball Hula Bulls. Pana'ewa Equestrian Center, 800 Stainback Hwy., Hilo. $6-$8. 808-937-1005. http://hawaiirodeostampede.com. KAHUKU 'OHANA DAY: EXPLORE LOWER GLOVER TRAIL Feb. 20, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Keiki of all ages ean join park rangers on an easy Lower Glover Trail hike, learn how to use a GPS, hear about loeal history and sing a mele for Kahuku. A four-wheel drive is necessary and pre-arranged carpooling is recommended. Space is limited, so eall (808) 985-6019 to register. Free, luneh included. Enter at the Kahuku Unit of the Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park on the mauka side of Highway 11 near marker 70.5 and meet in the parking lot. www.nps.gov/havo.

KAMA'ĀINA OBSERVATORY EXPERIENCE Feb. 20, repeats third Saturday of eaeh month Maunakea Observatories and 'Imiloa Astronomy Center will provide loeal residents with an opportunity to visit the summit, see world-class telescopes and learn about the mountain in a holistic manner. Ages 16 and older with valid Hawai'i ID. Free, but reservations are required. 969-9703 or email info@kamaainaobservatory experience.org.


PŪLAMA MAULI OLA Feb. 13, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A unified Hawaiian language and culture event featuring cultural activities, performances and demonstrations to create an environment where the Hawaiian language is alive and thriving. Highlights include a student hula and song showcase, keiki games, Hawaiian language resource games, craft artisans and demonstrations. Sponsored by OHA's 'Ahahui Grant Program. Pūnana Leo and Nāwahl school grounds, Hawai'i Island.


Avariety of Kahuku Unitguided hikes are scheduled in February. - Photo courtesy ofHawai'i I /olcanoes Hational Park

Bronco riding to be featured at the Pana'ewa Stampede Rodeo. - Photo: Courtesy

NOT ONE BATU Runs through Feb. 21, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays at 8 p.m.; Sundays 2 p.m. Kumu Kahua Theatre presents a world premiere of Hannah IiEpstein's play, whieh provides an intimate look at a family's struggle with the iee epidemic in Hawai'i. $5-$20. Purchase by credit card at www.KumuKahua.org, by phone at 536-4441, or in person at the Kumu Kahua Theatre box office.

E HO'OLAULE'A KĀKOU Feb. 27, 3 to 8 p.m. Enjoy an ono Hawaiian dinner, live entertainment and raffles with a grandprize of a $1000 gift certificate to Las Vegas, while supporting the Kailua High School's Project Grad. Pre-sale $20 email kailuahs proj ectgrad20 1 6 @ gmail.com or eall 234-9358. www.facebook.com/2nd HoolauleaKHSProj ectGrad20 1 6 . KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS 91ST ANNUAL HO'OLAULE'A Feb. 27, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The annual event includes entertainment, food (including neighbor island delicacies), keiki activities, a country store, silent auction and plant shop, as well as lei and event apparel. Parking and shuttle service is available at Kapālama Elementary and the Kamehameha Schools bus terminal. Free. Kamehameha Schools Kapalama Campus ■

Hawai'i Volcanoes Nalional Park is celebrating its centennial in 2016.