Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 12, 1 December 2017 — OVEN IMU CHICKEN [ARTICLE]


-Whole ehieken -Pa'akai (Hawaiian salt) -Olive oil -Δ’anana leaves -2 onions 1 . Wash ehieken inside and out, remove innards and pat dry 2. Rub ehieken with olive oil and Hawaiian salt 3. Line baking pan with washed banana leaves, plaee ehieken in pan and cover with more banana leaves; put a fitted lid on pan or wrap tightly with foil 4. Plaee a pan of water in oven to add some steam while cooking and bake at 250 degrees for approximately 3 hours 5. Remove from pan, eheek temperature with meat thermometer (1 55 degrees) or make a small cut into thigh joint... Iiquid should run out mostly clear, not bloody 6. Allow ehieken to eool slightly; thinly slice onions and saute in a pan with olive oil until soft 7. Pull ehieken off bone and shred with hands or fork; mix with sauteed onions and salt to taste