Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 11, 1 November 2020 — KAWAI OLA CROSSWORD PUZZLE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


By Ku'ualohapau'ole Lau Ua maka'ala? Have you been paying attention? Answers for this crossword puzzle ean be found through out the pages of this issue of Ka Wai Ola. Please do not include any spaces, special characters, or diacriticals ('okina and kahakō) in your answers.

ACROSS I An innovative startup tech business by two mana wāhine. 9 DHHL program sought to aiel lessees anel waiting list applicants with Hnaneial literacy education. 10 New president and CE0 of the Hawai'i Tourism Authority. II Sports supplement line made from whole food ingredients by Stuart Kam. 13 Online marketplace intended to share the products of loeal businesses across the pae 'āina. 16 .9% of Hawai'i households have been counted in the census as of October 11. 18 Hawaiian word for "foundation." 19 Lili'uokalani Trust will work with in supporting them on their pathways to long-term eeonomie sustainability. 20 is mueh more than stretching and exercise; it is impactful movement for the mind and body. 21 The first monarch of any kingdom to circumnavigate the globe. 22 The Hawaiian word for "strategy." 23 The first Native Hawaiian business to qualify for a $1 million Hua Kanu Business Loan through OHA Mālama Loans. 24 A health program would not be without supporting spiritual health.

DOWN 2 The Made in Hawai'i Festival is now an marketplace where shoppers ean support truly loeal businesses. 3 lnnovative post-secondary programs located in over 40 countries that radically re-imagine higher education. 4 The virtual 43rd Annual Prince Lot Hula Festival will premiere November from 7 to 9p.m. on KHON2. 5 "The is the Hawaiian adaptation of the Portuguese guitar or braguinha." 6 Domestic violence is underreported. 7 The Camber of will utilize technology to connect, educate, provide resources to their members. 8 Kamehameha Schools is looking for new candidates. 12 Keepseagle v. is a U.S. District Court case where lndian farmers filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 14 Native Hawaiians experience high rates of partner violence. 15 About - of Hawai'i's general population is Native Hawaiian. 17 The Artists Professional Development Fund assists artists with development of portfolios and webpage professional development and design.