Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 3, 1 March 2022 — LĀHUI SUPPORT [ARTICLE]


"OHA was established in 1978 to serve as the manager of PLT revenues for the betterment of the conditions of Native Hawaiians - but has never been aIIocated its rightful share of PLT revenues. This is a wrong that needs to be corrected immediately. Native Hawaiiam continue to sufferfrom large disparities...This missing money could help in rectifying this deplorable situation by supporting heal th, education and other social programs to lift our people into a better state of wellness and wellbeing." - MARTINA KAMAKA, MD "Passage ofthis bill will lead tojusticefor the Native Hawaiian community and will result in the state honoring its commitments - commitments made in both the State Constitution and in the 1980 legislation setting OHA's pro rata share at twenty percent. Resolving this issue is one of the most impactful and important actions this Legislature could take....Your action now would truly help to put the State on the path towardjustice." - MELODY KAPILIALOHA MACKENZIE, JD "OHA is a valuable funder for our organizations but is already so limited in what they ean give. lf the spirit of the original public lands law was for Native Hawaiiam to receive a greater portion of the revenue from puhlie lands (i.e., stolen lands) then it is wrong for there to continue to be such a low limit on how mueh funding directly reaches our community through OHA. I'm encouraged by OHA's recent re-org and its greater focus on beneficiary services and grant-making. Now is the time for us (through them) to receive our fair share of what the 'āina provides." - KEONE OLDROYD "Tbis correction is long overdue. Increasing OHA's pro rata share will increase its assistance to thousands of beneficiaries in numerous areas lilee education, housing, heakh, employment, eeonomie stability and mueh more...Let OHA do what it was created to do." - KAPUA KELIIKOA-KAMAI LEARN M0RE AB0UT THE PLT BILLAT