Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 7, 1 July 2023 — Seeking Participants for Public Policy Framework Development [ARTICLE]

Seeking Participants for Public Policy Framework Development

By Zuri Aki, ŪHA Public Policy Manager We need your kōkua to make amazing ehanges in governanee and to vastly improve the quality of our lives here in Ka Pae Āina o Hawai'i Nei (The Hawaiian Islands). The OfSee of Hawaiian Affairs' (OHA) Puhlie Poliey Paia (department) within OHA's Advoeaey Division will be launehing a number of eampaigns direeted at developing speeifie Puhlie Poliey Frameworks that are intended to guide the establishment of good poliey and law in the State of Hawai'i. For this first phase of development, we are seeking input from OHA benefieiaries on speeifie subjeet matter areas, while also eonvening internal working groups of subjeet matter experts to lay the foundation for our ffameworks. Our two initial subjeet matter areas for framework development: 1. Food Systems, Rural Development, and Housing Native Hawaiians are disparately impaeted by the high eost of living in Hawai'i, whieh is intereonneeted with

other Native Hawaiian disparities in heahh, eeonomie stability, housing, edueation, ete. For Native Hawaiians in rural communities, this burden is even greater. We want to hear from Hānai 'Ai (food producer practitioners - farmers, fishers, ranchers, hunters, etc.) and members of rural communities to help us restructure Hawai'i's food systems to better empower Native Hawaiian food producers, bolster culturally relevant foods, and elevate our rural communities. 2. Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Native Hawaiians are overrepresented among individuals and families experiencing intellectual/developmental disabilities. This is an area of critical need with a sheer laek of adequate services in the state. We would like to hear from individuals and families experiencing intellectual/developmental disabilities so that we ean effectively identify problem areas and advocate meaningful and lasting solutions. What is a Puhlie Policy Framework? A puhlie policy framework is a set of guidelines, principles, and strategies that guide the development and implementation of laws, regulations, and actions taken by

the government to address societal issues/interests. What is the Purpose of Developing These Frameworks? These frameworks will expand upon existing OHA policies and provide the necessary "game plan" (goals, objectives, actions plans, strategies) for effectively addressing critical issues and interest areas, while galvanizing community support. How Will OHA Use These Frameworks? In any way we ean to advance OHA's kuleana. OHA's Puhlie Policy Paia will use these frameworks as the driving force behind muhiple campaigns to see these policies implemented at the federal, state, and county levels. How Can You Participate in Framework Development? If you're interested in volunteering your time, energy, and knowledge to help OHA advance its kuleana on any of the above-listed campaigns, please send an email to OHA's Puhlie Policy Manager Zuri Aki at zurica@oha. org. Mahalo nui loa. ■