Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 25 February 1873 — Advance of Real Estate in Samoa. [ARTICLE]

Advance of Real Estate in Samoa.

Wehh'a PolynoBian Land Company, whieh bought 300,000 acres in L T ix>lo, Tutuila, and othcr islands of tho Navigator groupe announee» an advanccinent in tho valuc of its sU)ck from $100,000 to $1,000,000 —that is an advanco from 25c. to $2.50 pcr acrc. Let us get up a joint etock <sompany —a Makawao I*nd Company, or a Tearl Rivcr llarbor Coinpanj, half stock hcrc and half Btock abroad. What do you say ? Look up your livc man, nnd «?cnd him to talk vrith thc monicd men ou Mont;romcrv and Wall 'i Btrccts, nnd thc itdamh wlll up.