Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 25 February 1873 — Correct Information Abroad. [ARTICLE]

Correct Information Abroad.

Thc Courrier des Etats Unis of <January 4th gravely infonjns Its readers that the Ilawaiian Gazet.te, on tlie oecasion of the death of Kamehameha V., counselcd the llawaiian people to profi*t by the oeeaeion to abolish the monarchy and establish a Ēepnblican form of government. And then says : "It is probab!c that this advice will be listened to, and that any attempt on the parc of the Legislatrve Assembly to elect a king will be thc signal of a revolution/' * * * * " The deceased monarch was anxioiis to promote mdustry and conmicrce, but he lacked energy, and was trt>ubled with the same fiiiling whieh incapacifcated the father of the Emperor William.'' ; ■ ■ ■ - The New Y()rk Correspondent of the Gazeite says in illu6tration of tiie spirit of the press in America that, ik Your (our) Kingdom ean be written up most piously, or writteh down most abominablyand of this we have ainple evidence in the discussions about the islands in San Francisco papers. One paper illusbates our King by a portrait of Bome fancy man around Friscoe witii elegant leg of mutton wliiskers, and says : "The likeness of thc new Monarch, prlnted at the head of this article was engmved on wood from a photograph, the work of the leading artist in Ilonolulu, taken a few days before the Pi:ince's election to the Throne. , V The likeness resembles the President of the United States about as mūeh as it does the Kincr • O ' and yet the portrait is about as correct as the infornmtion coming from Honolulu, and eommunicated for the enlightei}ment of San Fraiiciscans* , Guests at tiie Ilotel. —J S Christie, U. S. Vice Consul; AII Spencer, wife and daughter, East Maui; Mr and Miss Gibson, Lanai; Mr Robinson, Rochester, ; Capt Lambert, wife, child and nurse ; ,Capt Hempstead and wife, Ēnderbury's ; Thos Brdwn and wifb, Frank Brown, Godfrey Brown, City; F Bicknell, Boston.; Charles Sisson, Wm Sisson, Stockton, Cal,; Mr Feurstenu<<r, MrChase, City '• Mre Brigham, Mr Brig-» hanl, Australia; R W Laine; S Q Wildcr, City; Mr Fletcher, Pacifie Fleet £ngineer ; Dr Hale, Mr Cook, Aladeda, Cal.; Charles Nordhoff, wife, four obildre|i and imrse", New York; Martin White, Virginid City, Nevada ; Geo Furlong, San Francisco ; II Cornwe!l, Waikapu ; J R Kennedy, wife. eluldjānd nurse, C!ueo t Cal.