Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 4 March 1873 — Trip of the Benicia and Visit of His Majesty. [ARTICLE]

Trip of the Benicia and Visit of His Majesty.

On la6t Sunday morning we were grati6ed to i)bserve from our looi-out the Benicia round t)iamond liead, and gracefa!ly and swiftlj glide onward to her old anchorage, As shc passed abreast Punchbowl,, the k>yal gunners oa that perch, observing the r royal standard at the main f an aBsurance that their King was alive and well bn board, roared out a weleome home from their irotrC!!roated pete. The noble war ship has performed %vondefs of speed, making ninetj knots in five hours, and proved that ehe steam from Hilo fo this P°rt, a distance of |about 250 miles, in fif£een hours. We learn that His Majestj was delighted \vith his trip, and regretted its earlj termination« The King s s intercourse with the officers of the ship, and with the militarj gentlemen on board s bas left in .tl»ii* miads onlj the most agreeable impressions. and : feelings of fche highest esteem and regard. Xhe lioom offleers entertainea His Majesty at a Luneh on Washington'e birthdaj, whieh was an pceasion for some happj inof sentim^nt. On shore at Hilo, His Majestj received an ovafcion at the Court Ho;use from his native people* jOver 2,000 of brought smali gitts #i the iiaual hookupu, or aiieient offering, and over 200 Chinese also eame with small tokens of good will in their hande, On this occasion the good natured Monaieh had to suifer from an fashion, now unfortunatelj established with ocher Amenean institutions in this countrj, bj updergoing a hand shake fpm over 2,000 people. Wo |ear that the rojal sl|oulder needed a good louatomi after so manj lojal jerks. ; Admiral Pennoek and Generals Scholield and Alexander, with a large number of officers of the ahip, visited the crajter qf 11 is Majestv providing horses andiretinue fbr the partj at tiie rojal eharge. ;