Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 18 March 1873 — An Acute Politician. [ARTICLE]

An Acute Politician.

Our departtng ex-Attoroey Geneml Is tViat, a* well an a tolerab!y Blmrp lawycr. Ile lc-ft KU practicc iu Ma«*achu*etUt to ac-cept a poēUlon tbe tew «dvin»>r of the Oown of t!ie Ilawauan Ho enjojed; the cu!iCdence of hla Sotereign Kamehawelia Y\ t to whom he Bwore anpe; bu fc atter a time Ki ug uw n ded t!; e Tht "»rke who kne#not aod he felt hīs oeeupation waa gone in the*e iele«? of t!)e at»d be| tswure lū lii6 he<irt (|bat he v. ould be ble*6cd lf he served tbelr monarchj anj more i thevefoTe he tutned his laee onoe agam to hh own happj *ahd of Canaan. And he rjeaBone-d tlms wiihin hipiself: peradfeniuremy brethren wīl! reeeive ine kindlj, inagraucb as I have dej:»arttd from fne laHh of my f>tliere; t|ierefore t will clotbe injsclf auew iu tht garni<|iiU! of the Pilgriins I will cl£anse mj skirts of at! poHtioal ar,d bciope I depart oufc from the mio6t of the heatheu A |I U ill U.i: llieui k. lheiv face of their polilioal £ius !andof the virtueē of uiy own goouly land; i\nd | th|e papers of the sl?nll publish all ttis j tiiat I say, and ifc ehali| eoine to pas§ that it w ill iead hy bretbren of aiiiu | th|ey ehall see that I wa* uot weddeJ to the ** fle«b !p<Jts of Egypt, M only so long as Pharaob !ivcd, ! who gave uie a gold laee coi\t of iuany eolore t and !a bocked bat, whieh I thalf now plaee in the 11111Fcum of ruy town of Stdem, ' Ttius we $ee what a bhrcwd pi!grim we hwe ln\d it» our uud*t. Of h\* political capacity or atatesmansliip we bdTe our doubls, and we may tbink lesa of I ie feiise of honor; but ai will admit tbe sharp of tbe lawyer and the euteuess of the polkimkn, !