Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 18 March 1873 — Cash. [ARTICLE]


"U e ha ve estab!hhed fctic Neuoi uii the piiiHV ple i f pay us you go. \Tc puy our priuter>c\eiy Saturday; aud thus we l.eep elean aeeounu, an 1 we know all the time how the Nnioi finuieia!ly. Wc \vant he eoutkiry to W uti tle N.\mt k ba*is; ea<h for £U£;tr, Mv»ol, aud dr\ i an(l **<> humhu-. What is the usc of ownii - i hundred thoux\nd dollar plaulaiien 011 a len thot - : ?and do!lar ur iu.| ai all? WLai i- : the of a mercautiie d;at b el.ieih j repr >vntevl by ipiarterly aewmiiU wiih inieri>: i, , F er <**>*? e ouglu u> eume to e«sh a& \vi: ns \ve ean. T!iis a hard uionej evuntry, »ud ii |oug!)t !o he a easdi Still fur aii ilm i individualts nut to U\ if possible tu : j avoi iit bori\>wei> uud debtoi> % yet a uaUou uuvy ' adyotntageously hoeoiue u bv>rro>\ er aui a dcbu i\, i jiKUeious furei£u loau, at 3or 4 pcr ceuu % tukh; be negvUiatv\l to advandi-e ? aml help, by Uulu; mid K\My , eiupioyc\l* io put the 1 ou a eueh ba&ii.