Nuhou, Volume I, Number 9, 25 March 1873 — The Activity of the Government on "Black Friday." [ARTICLE]

The Activity of the Government on "Black Friday."

1 it was FriAay t the 2lst inst. It 1 4m inaii and exiled thirt\\ Do we eay it ! was wJ-ong in thls work? No. The mnn Kahe :!eaum(iku who was hung. h'ad ncted nu doubt liko ja wildjbeagt towards societ£; and hig fellow inaii inuet needcnuid hiinHelf against hin j;! . TTe gave espre6sion to an appea! f;r j merey,for tbls man. We rever eaw hTs face, we . never read the evldence in hh ca?c t aue! we knew "he wās under; f or ovcr age, but we «apokejfrom report, anJ witp our fYmpatbies ever I lively |n beha!fof weak sgnortmt f*"ow btinge j we cripd out in the impuW of our emolion» sj;art jhim if jou ean, Ile spared, ai;d per- , haps t'here are reafeons why he ought not to liavc" j been spared ; but we eha!l |none t!ie lēss a!<jud and entreat on all to «?avc th*- l!feof our ■ fe!luw man, " | j Butj on that day we saw;something perhaps sad|der th|an the hanging of one man : we *aw thirty I of our creatures golng to exile from v\l,ich jwe ean never hope to one of them return. jWe ssjwgoing down our etrtet threo uray j loads—not of sbeep s but of lepers. Three dray I loads pf iestering Three dray loads of j bJotched laces, wjth crooked eiawe, and j leet, and fbul pxudtng sores. Threc j draj loads of poor decajin|g human wreteliēs t who j are dead to all sweet hope of life for e\ermore. j Threej loads of hideoife woe* put on board the j to be ferr*ed o't(r to that last j Moiokai, on wbose everjasting porta!s in thc imounlain wall muefc truly|be written fbr the po_r j leperi " en ter here. must leave all hope j behind.' J And jefc it is the best fbr them # and jior us who are well that eau be done; it needē i must |be done; it ought to| have been more fulh s

done before; because therp were but a handful to our ojbBervation a few yea|rs ago, and now there; are perhaps not less than pne thousand; aye, evtr 80 dray loade more. j More work fbr the Goy-| etnm^t } -more opportunity !br tbeir and fl| right{ul āetivity toj>; but i§ it not sad to | bave | only to note their 4ctivity in hanging >md j exiling their fellow uien?