Nuhou, Volume I, Number 9, 25 March 1873 — Gossip [ARTICLE]


|U so amu»ing, and it eostb notbing. You eaunoe ]get \ip a cheaper entert|ininenī t It le " baid to jreli4 with tea ; but it k|a relkh of itself. Just | fane4 a niee mor^el^ —ti $eighbor» or a neighbor*s jcbi!d| has made a i>!tp,—you £or tea, f btit ibust just elap on yoijr hat or bonnet t after | hnrrjed breakfftst, and pab it around wluU; it u Then it eugge*U !tp o\ui eondlmeiUv% st jfew extras so appeti?.ing wilh tbe >ptoe of lics yo„ ind\tlge in nll !tbw diffidentlj, cven a* tbe Wr will <Jepreeate jyour S:iing of his g laSsS although he lets you £11You are " sorry «br tpem— the vietim?. And jou always tlioug!;i ho ; jrou expected eomethpi£ of this ; and *o yout BkirtB are e!ear for tliiuking so, 1 1 3 0U \irtuoa«? Judt |thiujv of tbe nasty crcature &oln£ aud k»', ? tlnit i?j letting the Ihj kuown, *liil*t |\vur:* L< a\l \irtuoutly bidden up. It would j too mueh to hide up one'e. Sbetu,aui , eovered up Uieir father** nakcdne^ # j but pam kughed t and|you think it i* morxi fun ? to laugh w!th Ilain, be ie 'am ss>, t!wj Bay the goja Maek skin iu qu<»vU of that nnek. r. | Ah. w t X\ui kt*o* %

might you not brother, getabkek eoui by emutting that of your brother ? lt is all he has got poor man,—it fe.aH she haß got poor"girl,—a to!erable fair name, eāy not a t>aint]y one 7 amoDg their fello>vs ; but you. woti!d grime it fouler than the reeking ooze of bluidb ; not for anv Bpite ; bccause you are eo sorry you know ; not perhaps for even fun, but becauBe th.e filth 18 eo handy. The «weet morfiel of goseip is ever on the Mp; and why ehould it not, brother, be turned over and eavored, as all sweet morsels are? Wh.o shaU abate your enjoyment? Shall the spirit of €hriet Btill your tongue ? Shall the sanetities of religion keep ifc in eheek ? Shall the dews of heaven queneh this bitter flame, ever eet on fire of hell? Oh no, whv should all this be, and you be denied | your own sweet inoreel of enjoyment ? ! 'Tis sweefc to sit and talk oi* what vour neighbor wears. 'Tis sweet to tell of your neighbor6\ waning meane. But, ah, it is far more eweet to twig and tell of eome sad elip in your neighbors' j house. How qu|ckly your keen seent was on the track ; and how ()[uickly your keen glance diso6v- ! ©red. Aud you, oh dexterous and admiredone, ! were the first to te!l it to your own, and to the stranger that is within your gates, Who shall «ay thst there is not joy in all this ? Who has ■not their sweet morsel as we.ll as you? And ean thero be anything sweeter than a āquirming victim, when ydu the hidden tormentor ean look and laugh ? The sad soul sits lonely pining fur a reeognition ; but you saved society, the j . * -Tpbera. was perha-ps a generous heart would bave made you rich with its grateful ministrations ; but no, you were not to be fuolcd, There was perhaps an angel at your door, whom you might have entertained unawares t whom you «ent away with a shower of filth oue into the eoki ; but never niind, you had your own sweet* morsel of gossip. —.• :