Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 28 March 1873 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

liiE Promenade Concekt at the llotel last Tueeday evening was well atteuded, eoueldering the appeai'anee of the weather. The hami was in fine tune. The ehorus in* the Niebelungen wa*s grand and romantie. llow heautiful thou art ?> wae beautiful indecd. u Wine, woman and song '• was as ean lx\ -•Berger'B ftuadrille set daneers ou their Jeet, and they had a jol!y ga!op, asOver hedgeand difcch ,? wa« reudered the tuneful band. .The weather waa a iittle out of eorte, and wben we eoneider that, we haTē ā large amount of eutertainfiftent and diasipation ou hand this week, we eould Jiardlj expeet a big turn out for our promenade concert, but it was verj fair aud everjbody was delighted wiffi the oeoaeion. The llotei groundjs were lit up, atuVthe baleouiee were prettj well īilted. When we havo mild and elear eveuinggj and we have not mueh else to amuse us, the promenade eoneert ought to beeome a gret\t mstirution for Honolulu. Twkki v-nixk Moue LkpkrsAnotlier load* for Molokai were ehipped awuj on Tuesdaj last 011 board the Warwkk, The Minister of the hite« r onnnof :%v hi« hand; tear jvaroivi?i

and eiiiUU'en, liub!);\itd and wile, and dear afsundcr. Wc do not enyy him thie job. The| ! reladveb uf ihe csiied ones;beeiegc hie duor j cry out,'' may .1 notgo vvlfch inj father? €un I nut ' s|;aj riear my liufebund? And I nofc fece iny child anj inorc?' f If thej are humr.Q and he iej j hnman, ivhafc horrid work fchis niust be! Spend j 80me monej in the emplojinent of several abl(j j ae a medical commit?biun, one is cnough. Soarch fche land at all pointfi, and letji not a case eseape ob3ervation. j • ' " • I i