Nuhou, Volume I, Number 11, 1 April 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]


P - : MQNDJY, MJRQH 31, 1853. * Tiie week opens with the same quiet aspect in commereial eireles Miat has perva4ed for gome time past, notvviihstaDding the improvenietu in our exi>orts would seem to show a healthier or better state of trade. Our exports for the month shows an l mproveineiit over last month's exports oi' over $91,500, aua"it also shows an improvement on last year-s e.vportg for the same month of $29,209.16. Since our last we have to note the arrivals of the whnleshlp lllinois, Fraser, from a cruise. on Saturday last, and ihe sehooner Oionanni Jpiani, Dority, yesterday 5 also the American sehooiiers J. D. $anborn aiui Ōtsego % both from San Francisco, en routc for the Ochotsk fishlng groun<J anel tradīng «stations. The San Francisco market remainevl the same fl>r iālanel pro<luce a« previously reported. H. B. M.'s S. Scout sail<Hl on Saturday last for Victoria } aiul the Amenean schooner C. M. Ward saiīs to-day noon for the guano islaiuis. American whale hark Jam 2d y Fisher, is reporteil at KawaL hae %vith 70 barrels sperm, and wouM put intc this port for repairs, as she wjis leaking. sI'MMARV OF "RGCEIPTS of domesi v ic prodvcs for the WEEK BNDINC MARGH 29. Awa, briclis23ojPaddy, bags.loo iianahas, bnchs.7sjPotatoes, bb15......... T 10 Uuttfer; kegs 19; b«gs Oqffee, bag5«........,. 26iPulu, bale»..«..♦» 169 Corn, bags 36]Hice, bag*... f 232 Eggs, bxs 6!§ugar s keg5.2,571 I'ihl), bx. • lj bafs. .......... . §38 Fungus, bag5.;....,... 5j mat5........... 903 Uoat Sklne,pcs. I,Bso;Bufar Cane, biutls..... 64 fikles, pcs 318 Sheep» N0............. 149 liorses,' ..2 - Tobacco, bale«.2 Hogs, N0....26 Tallow % bbls. 17 l.ambs, No $ Wool, ba1e5............ 33 C>ranges, No 1,000 \VOOd , cor<l 1? 33 Pia, ft>s. 2,0001