Nuhou, Volume I, Number 12, 4 April 1873 — Coasting Trade. [ARTICLE]

Coasting Trade.

We bave hei\rd a great deai Mtd witbln tlic pasfe six inonthB in regard to this important part of our island trade, eueli as, " schooncrs doing nothing " a few only paymg running expenseB '' — u too many pritileges granted the A7lauea — 4 4 running the steamer mere!j to kili tbe 6chooner trade at a Jarge expense to the people??— M oseessive eharges againsit the 6ehooners iu fche shape of lieenses, wharfage " £e. This hae led us to niake a note of the Bubjest, and enquirc aro«nd for proper information. As to the numher of sehooners, or earrjing eapaeity, tltere appearg to be quite a 6uffieieney for the preeent state of trade, as vve eee, two or thete are laid up for the want of 6omething better to do. And theie iē, we īind, 6omething like $135,000 invested in the inter island airrying trade; to ineure of thls eum would eost Bomefehing like $12,000 i»ore. Now the tion is Bimply, doee the pay wear and tear, and a fair interest ou the outky? We told lt doe; nt T ihen whj add to tbe fieet new and e>qaM\e 1 Trade is not likcly to inerease; m foct it has lalleu off the pa«t two ycms jiullj thirSj per eeut. llub Is not owing to the steivmcr running f bujt eimph' to a deerease in tniffie, while fbriuei-ly therc was twenty fcet of l|imbcr awaj, is uot uow five, und wheie oue lmndred baneU of inolaaeea wcrc lomcrly weheu, there arc uot iīow ii\c, tho «uue witli ro£pect eoflee t pulu, and many other we eould nauie. Jso the idea that ihe i*overpineut ruiuing the eoāSting fieefc* runuiug the Kiiaum heiv aud therc »iud evcry\N Lav, uun- np, thc vc**c! m \ ]

moiiey, in uur a unt. | V* e muat fcustain the GuV(|rnuLient in this matter Ae tO| tbe hilauea'* we know notlīing about it. Mouey wab yoted by tbc latur<;, and they ar<j the |Only parties who bave I J juhincbs to inquive how JU hae Ix;en espuided, ro the j»rivilegc6 granted the Kilauea; tbi& was aleo done by t?ie Legiiflature, people or our own w;nt to legi*iatc for our beet interefct We go back of tbat consigtently, unler-& we Upke the grourtd the G-jvernment eide u§ed pheir influence aghinst the best interc&ts of a largej number of our mo|t enterpriting ciaztnbj and the same may be tajid in reference tj u eseessi\[e cbarges' ? against tne &ehooners. We must| admit, bowever, tbe " pa&senger license ,t ebarged the gcbooner iook like a bardftbip § ' inasnincb ae tbe Btcamer| carries the paf?benger?, escej|t an ooeaeional one, |vhieh the eeiiooneia are comf|elled to 1 So |far as we ean find out|, w e have more coattere than \ve need, and eep#ially thoee wbicb cost bigh. Our ehannelē are rugged anu we need staurtch ves6eie, fast sailors, but very little of tbe about tbem. st Tbe fancy part bad better ►be le|*t out, e6pecīai]y if you need to eall on twelve | per cpnt. lbrany part of the purehase money, fbr I just 4o Bure as you send a|scboon<jr to sea, ftfiying i twelvc per eent. per aunjim intereBt, and fiāecn |per eent. inguranc« f youj are working for &omv ! one else, and not for yourselfV *