Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 8 April 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]


MONOAI', APHIL 7, 1873. Tiie aueiion houschold furnlture sales of last week were well attended,|fad tlie peculiarity notīced there;it \vas the poor prices realized for reaily good articies, while eoinmon brought futl va!ue, and m many cases excceded lUe pvesent retail raie ibr new, The Glolte Hoiel prennseß sold for $3,100, being $2,100 lese thail it was bought for about a year ago, aud ou whieh over $2,000 additional was expended in repairs. Opioiou i« divided as to whether it haa not eveu now reallzed a fictitious value, when its locality considered. The Btearaship Dakoia arrived on Saturday iaat, 17 days from Auckland, bringing a suiall amount of freight for this port, consisting of cordage, potatoea, grain, &c,, and a amal 1 lhrough freight of 300 packages, prihClpal!y wool. Jshe will awail here ihe arrival of the mail from the Coast, Baj'kentine Jane J. Faikinburg will got o£f the latter par* oi the week for Portland, 0,, with a cargo of domestic produee Schooner Kamaiie will suil on her crulse about Wednestiav, and it is l»oped lhat Captain l*eterson and his asscciat£3 will meet with that success whieh thoif enterpriBe dciscrves. Whaleship Jos€phine, Long, is reported at Hilo, elean. In loeal trade there is nothing to note, though the bustle antong the diflerent housc:s in collecting and sijuariog up quarU j riy an ai>pearance bt activLtj\ 4UMMAftY €>F BECEIFTS OF DOML\STIC PUO,OL'€E FOR THB - WiĒEK E.TDIXC APRIh 5. Butter, k€gs..... % Paddy, bags f t lOO CJattle, head........... 19 Poi, bb!s..3 Fowlif, doz,. 2i Potatoes, bag5......... 20 Fungus, bales... 4' RiC-e, bag5............. 487 Goat 3^B,pcs..sso:sugar, kegs, Hor«e, N0............. 1 bag8„.,,,,.;,,., 861 I!ides,pcs, 2T4 Sheep, No 50 llogs, N0....... ... r*li.Turkeys, d0z,......... 1| Lam bs, No 4 Tobacco, ba1e5......... 2 Leaihei', rolls 4 Tailow, bbls 5 Molasses, bb15..... v 3<i;Wool, ba1e5,........... 24 wr—n"n ■ — > ~ miMiiein 11 nwn—ii - n rwiiir niTiiiTi Tryn —m^nimniirm