Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 8 April 1873 — Spirit of the Press. [ARTICLE]

Spirit of the Press.

j The jGazcttejjf April 2d, undcr itd new imm-1 j ageißerit, i$ f«ll uf ma.ttor, with all of..whieh we' j don s t agiec, as will gee 111 other but] j as a neweuiap, the edilor of tbe <s quael "j;overn-i i meut ovgan '* eannol be beat in tbese ielanda, ] | Xhe A.dverliser of the sth inet, has a good uv- - ticle on 44 Prisons and prbouets,'" and the proper j j claaHiiication of prleoners aecording to grades of' : criminaht\. Some suggestive faets on annexation : ? anu tajsation by es-Attornej General Phijlips, ■ I Somethiing about tl Digtrii3t Justices and cattle* j Btealing^ ,? of whieh we wiil apeak in our next. I 44 Hawaiian Ohureh Monthly Messenger '' has.; | good words fbr ehureh people about Passion ? I Week.i Bishop \Villis savs that tlre designation ; | " Kcfbhned Catholic Chureh " is to be dropped s ! • and ilie etjle "Angliean Church in Hawaii ?? | ! used iiistead. ~ S ! 1 The Friend fbr April is fiill of interesting; j items, ft.nd a pleasant eompanion for those who. I go down to the sea in ships, for whom it is ehie% : } intended, and for those on shore too.