Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 15 April 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]


MORDAY, Al'UlK, 14, JS73. The recent ont of two whaling and tradhig vessels fom llvis port we trust is but tlie begintiing of an enterprise whieh—as we are geographically in a higlily f,ivor;\ble position therefor—shoul<l be entered into with mueh spirit and liber{ility f It is by no means creditable to us that San Fraucisco, and evtm Tahiti, ahouhl have a large fleet of vesseis in this trade ? whieli is found to be lnghly profltable, while we who are better situated look listlessly pn and allow others to establish anel , occupy trading posts and gather weallh whieh might be ours. In one of the late numbers ol this paper it was shown that our coasting lieet was larger than we required, and therefore we wish to know why a few more of our partially employed coasters should not be fiūed to occupy this field. This class of vessels is just the kind for the service, and thus while aome woukl be seeking new channels of weallh, the remaim!ei* would be, reaping a better ineome for the capital therein invested, The innumerable islands to the westward and northward are just as valuable a field to us as to the people of San -Francisco, Tahiti, or Bydney, whose euterprising people are reaping ! a rich reward therefrom. j In loeal trade we note 110 change for the better, We do not I look upon the protnised credit sales of to-morrow and Wednes- t day, as indications of improvement by thus crowūing the re- j tail stores witH surf>lus stock, fcr whieh payment be long | delayed. Manv of the dealers ate to-day dependent upon the j indulgēnce of the houses in granting them an exten- ] , sion of their noies. m The tecent arrivals from the Coast report the maiket for ouv produce mueh lhe same as previously quoted ? e\(*ept in p\ilu 5 •whieh hae a downward teiuleney, The Jane J. f\%lkinburg is taking a fuU load of isīand pro" duce f a,nd will get off Bhortly for Porīand. O, Bark Edwin is up for Sydney—if sufllcient induceirent oflerH. . SI MMARY 0F HECEIPTS OF IXOMESTIC PRODVCS POR THE WEKK ENDINQ APEIL 12, Awa, bnchs.• 200T,ambs, No. 5 Butter, keg5.....,.v.,« H MolaBses, bb!a» Banauas. bnch5........ 87 1*111«, bales 8 1 Corn, bags,... ~.... -0 l'ulAtoe«, bag5......... Cattie, head2 Rice, bugs 400 j Cof!Vc, 27tMug*r Canc, bndis,..' Ē£gs ( bK«, 'i No.lBo Fungus, halea2rt Sugar, kegs| Fowl», d0E,........... U bagil,oU Goat iSkins, pcs4oo mats ........... * 20$ Ilidea. pc.«. 295 Tobacco t bndls,' $4 } Ilogs. N0....,......... 23 : Wood t cords 50 ] Leatlier, roll«. 4: Wool, bale«.2 j