Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 18 April 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

rbt? sale ? a! HASDSOJiK OS riCK WKJX I\C. TA . biiL, W »tlt t» | ~ Roa Bedstead, '-;xlfA tla'sr b*?feu«v€, large ; Kot, Bute&u a:. ! Jroj.g Tc'b-l Sevres China Fountain. gaudier,, i DoabJje Seated Carriage, ! • | 2 Double Reined Bridlpg, aipll Apply to j MBS. MAbOiS, JfcViu lit use, FOR o A | A HA;;;dso>ix£ offh t: «i STM,V VI : INO Tnl'lo with 0 l>rftu> jr^ ; ?<-.nie Choice 1J 1 ( solely Framed, a Fountain |«*f rare Scvk-s CLoih anil t< Ei* | Valuable Honiton Lao#*., vfir/or,-: arl>k-i «>f Furrii: Ho-ik-Leases. Cupboard*, &e, A CarriH*;-.- II or*-, and a | Gentle 'Biding Ilor?.e. Apply to | j" ~ __ MRS. MASON, Pek TlouFe, XjiESABHI FOE A TERM OF YEARS ! TBE.PRKSJ2ST E OF I'lrtgS the undersigned gjtlaaleri in Hr-iv-lulu, at t?i-e fc-ot t! lift **4 Punchbowl Street v eont.iinis'g <-ue kIJ ihree-f urth acres of land, pfutjy plaijtvd cvith Pruic h<i<( Flowering Shrubs, the balance In good pasturage sufficient i-.-r two horses. The Land lias a frontage on the gea beach, facing the enl to the of two hundrec and sixty-tht feet. jthere h on the premises a SPA CIO* P AN P COMMOI'IOtfe DWELLING HOUSE, i&OxCO.fect with all <Mivei.k:>cc* attached. ! Servants rooms, Stable and| House. It is both a city and it only requires to be seen jto be appreciated. COMK j AND SEE, For terms apply on the premises of TIIOS. LONii HAWAIIAN HOTEL I M%£iL x'' A. HERBERT, : : PROPRIETOR. i ** *■ ■ -■ rPHIS Las become the most popular institution <.*f ; X this city. It is tlie one, which recommends us msst to the favorable jconsideration of stranger. Everyone who arrives In Honolulu-indulges in an expression of surprise \o find so large, so tleg.uu, antl such a jwell appointed Hotel It cost a good su^n 3 but It is well wojrtli ike money. The chief projectors and promoters of the building were blamed for having erected such an extravagantly large edifice ; but a year has expired since it was opened it is frequently found to be too small to accommodate its throng |of guests,—and the proprietor is about to erect four adjacent cottager to moct the demand upon Ms hospitality. Travelers from all parts of the world who are now brought hero iu comfort by the commodious stea:ush|ps of the Austnvliaii| line, say unanimously that tAibrc is no hviitc of public eutertainuieut on the Pacific coast, or m the British Colonics which surpass iu point of comfort and elegance the new Hotel, ' j The buildiug is lighted with gas. The Piniug I is a spacious hall, and can seat 200 person (at table. The parlor is .furnished yery luxuriously, add has ft superior toned piano for the entertain lutmt of guests. There is a Billiard u piwlicvl J'^ vo cushion tallti. The Bed-rooms are all. furnished with m.ittr^«sost and tasteful sets of furniture, with cold attd wjrm, and shower batlu! aliached, There are no extra charges for conveyance of between steamcy and Hotel iu coming and j and no extra change for removal of bagga^- ? .ITU AMUW * W —' service | Charges p«r Bay, i ' Cluvgb \m Mouth. $«0 00