Nuhou, Volume I, Number 18, 25 April 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]


C6nundrum.—Why is the Editor of the organ , of 'All Saints an absenfc mmded man? Eeeauee i he is in search of a eeanip, and there he is right at his hand. —— * ] A pleasant christening yosierday at Dr. j J. McGrew's, of his infant daughter, at whieh lIIs Majesty and a seleet circie of friends were , present. — ĒT Fifteen niore lepers were shipped per Wanokk on Saturday,last t to the leper settlemenfe on Molokai. (jSP The Band wiil play at Emma Square tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'eloek. rollowing is the programme, to concliide with a March around the Square : Amazoii Marcli - . Beier Selefctioa—Opera le pre aux cleres, (new). .Hero!d "My Heart Bowed Do\vn," (new)..................... Balfe "A Tale of Happy Times ? ,, — Waltz.. Faaist I Air Gavotte. ,King touis XIII > Pleasure—Polka, (new). Strauss j 0?* A lady's wardrobe is not eomplete without a lirst quality blaek silk dress, and Mr. Poole is iiow opening out at Cleghorn & Co. ! s corner Btore, some ehoiee gros grains, both hlaek and eolored, superior to anythiug ever oflered iu this town. Also lovely whke trimmed dresses ready for a bridal; some beautiful fans/Tind a lot of real laces. Cet the real artiele; it becomes an | heirloom for your daughter. | " lluki Ikaika/'—As H, M. W. wants to know a good deal, we would like to know something about natives harnessed like eattle to a plow in the early days of H. M. W. on Kauai, as an ancient settler hath to!d us. Aud also tell us liow ofoen, and how wearily the poor kanakaa draggoi a goodly burthen of glad tidings from foreign lands, up the Nuuanu va!lley road, and over other toilsome paths in a little box eart ealled a " huki ikaika* 1 ' Tell us, llenry. j • —r* _ i Kuhou Befork Ekeakia^i. —Our pajKr eomes j out early this morning, and we iutcnd to ha\e it before you leave the liouse, so that the partuer of vour business nnd your aud the llttlc at liome ean got a sight oi it, and you owiool hāve tie exeuse keep it all selli6hly to yourself down nt tlie o!Soe. You liad better order a family copy, as well as an offiee eopy. You will save l)y ii iu the good temper of your adorab!e wife. as woll a$ in tho health of Uie childrcn Thc doetors are al«sady that the Nmoi is 4limiiusliing tlieir praetiee. A fiict

i' 1 ! * | | EP" Friend eclls out next Mojadaj, | not goitig a"waj —but ,Lc lias liad eiiūugb oi slugle j iiousc-keeping > \ye bULpose i and will eeli liie f<arl lop, bedroom, and kiiehen furniture , a supexior cottage piano forte, a.'buggy, baruees, carr}age borae $ and manj useful house-keeping article£j. Who wailts a 60uveniij Qf the popular auctioneer?