Nuhou, Volume I, Number 19, 29 April 1873 — NUHOU [ARTICLE]


MONDJT, APRIL 28, 1873. Tiīe woek opcns up \vith some promise of business activity, ow!ng to thc arrival yesterday of the Pacific Mail Steamship steamer Costa Rica, Lapīdge, from San Francisco, amllhe tlaily expectancy of the bark D. C. Murray, Fnller, whieh plaee us in ful! receipts of the necessary supplies of flmr y potatoeB, &c. 5 the \vaut of whieh of lateia being serionsly ielt. 'i'he San Francisco quotations of island produce does not «how any improvemeQt ovcr our last advices, aiul a-re as fo3IC,\VH ; Sitgar—Uuoted at 7i/S>loc, with a large portion of 10,000 k£gs receiyed since April lst ; still unsold. Rice—S<®Bic Pui.u—Sales at S£c from first hands; Mol4Sses—2ofS>£sc per gallon. HiDES—Salted, ; Dry at 16£i©lSc. Wool—Sales for the week eml)race 100,000 pounds at 13i?S) i,50 for burry, 17f0)20c for elean spiing 5 and for ehoieo. at 6Ji®Tc lb. Coffee—H&waiian is not quoted. Imports of Central American for the week have been 1,000,000 pounds, quotable at 18<©18Ac for best samples. Java, 22c s while Manila was 3eSljng at 17ic t whieh waa eheapee than it could be laid <\ own for. Coti'ox—Californta quoted at lSc. 'A.dvicee by thk niail sliow that the steamer Nebraska } whieh was looked for here as neariy due from Auckland, has foeen ordered to Hoiigkong'from that port, to take her plaee ih. the Chiaa line of steamers. • jßark eamāen Is ahoul* due, \vith a fal? load of assorted tumber. • , Americau barkentine Lu!u »ailod on ?aturday last for s*hanghae, and t!ie British bark Sparrowhawk «ails to»day for Melbourne. Whale bark Nortl<em Zight, Bmi(h, arrived on Sat»rdav, o!T aud on, l'roiu Ililo, and the Jaia } Kelley, this morning, ?H'veii momhe out, with 115 b.\rrels si>erm. Auction sa!es will be a leading feature of thi<? week's business, boih in household gocds» and regular room and mde «ales. " -• OF RCCEirTS DOMESTIC mODVCK l-OR TIIK WE£K EKDIX<S 4PRIL 120, Awa, bndl» I*2 ? Molmnho», bbls $0 bbb. 2 MuU\No 1 Oollee, bag«i 2(1 Omiohn, nets. 4 20 t'.ti>tor lleaim, b.^5..... -6-i Oraugc«, No 2,O(X> Cattk% head........... ī Poiaioe#, bags 00 Cottou, buk\f Pnlu, ba5c?i............ 70 4 Rice, bags, Fowīs t d0a............ 2 £us&r l kegs, Uoal S?kins, j>c5........ bags. 2 47*? Hog3» N0..12 Sug*r C»ne, bndls,«... & Hkies. pcs,3W 121 H or«es, No 7 Tallow t bbl«l7 Koa t,vunber, n. .... I,CKXI Wool, bales l.e*ther, r0it».......... 27 Wooi, cordss Mms, rot|s *