Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 May 1873 — Not enough Honest Men to go Round. [ARTICLE]

Not enough Honest Men to go Round.

| ! — H* ■ ■■- ! ; j Ihe W. Beec|ier said in a recent serj mon tbat u be tbought| tbe battle in our j age,Trafe on tlie of t|"uth telling—the sido ors I "vvhi|Ch the buiMing rc&ted. _ITe had v »een j afilipted, on Leing t >ld by gouu inen i» huelne^ j eiielen, tlmfc they did t tbink at> well 0f n^eii i who weie eliuieh meojlpers, r«s tbey did uf tbote j wliy were iiot— tbat they found tbey were moie j to be deeeived by iiiembers of tbe ebureī;ee ; j by those whp weieinoe. The fact was inep } were preaehed to so niuen about faitb in Cbmi | that they had got to Bul}stitute faitb in Chriet jBini|pie truth and bon^siy, ? ' He about cheating oo railroad and certain new de= teclive tickets ; bufc he/#a6. a66ure-I that tbe on!y wav to preveut cbeating, wa« to get hone?t eon<3ūbtors; and then gays |ie : "If you su|-ply all tbeiroads with boneet c<inductore, wbere will you honeefe men enouih to go to Congre66?*' (Gīfeat laughtcr,) There are not enough honest I mei in the countiy; not enough !or offieertii of baijks 3 nor enough fbr the judieial beneh, Tl)c want of bas leeome one of thc alanhing Bigns of the a^e, 5 ' if thafc is the state of the great States r thir jWC| ought nofc to compl|\in, "\Ve.are in watK * j people; an|d although tbis Mn O J.u. j is very eniall, yet its officee are Tcry nuineiou^, j fchere are nofc honest men tago,xound