Nuhou, Volume I, Number 21, 6 May 1873 — Italian Colony in Malaysia. [ARTICLE]

Italian Colony in Malaysia.

We haye ever felt. since \tc nvay 6ay, \Te firsfc hegan to read, an engrossing interest in the great Malay Archipelago. We advcnturcd and we suffered in those islancl:-. We have writfcen ahd lectured a grcat deal upon' thc subjecti We tricd hard to induec tbe United Statcs Govcrnnicrit tct establish a Naval Depot on Borneo or Sumatra. We tned to organize companies to colonizc in Sumatra and Papua. We onee had two sliips in New Yqrk harbor partially freighfccd, and rcady to naii with a colonizing company to Papua or New Guinea; but thc expedition was hroken up | by in£luences cntirely beyond our control; and at' lasfc we proposed to the Salt Lake Saints to eolonize Ne*w Ouinea. wliieli seliemc. migh"t have been' partialiy at least 5 carried out ; if ifc had not been for the evcnts 6f thc late war of thc Statcs. And now after twelve years of reposc, and a j simplc humdrum life with sheep. we.feel the same I intense intQrest in Malajsia; and are as readj as | cvertoadvcnture; though perhaps not sc rashly tas formcrly, in that wondcrful countrv. A pori tion of our friends, who onee formed a parfc of our ! " American Malaysian ( l ompany'' wcnt and es- ! tablished thcinsclvcs in Bomeo; and now we see |in late Frēnch papers, that the Italian Govcrn- | raent, have commenced the fbundaaot3 of acolony i upon the island of I»orneo. Three veeselsof war, j the Cilia di Napoli, the JSiagcnta, and the Cam- | bria have sailcd from Spezzia with a company, and ; with eom}»lete supplies for tbc foundation of a ; eolony. | What a \vonderfiil land is Borneo. | three hundred thousand so t uare miles; all rieh i ibrest, and cultivatable territory;—withanabnnd- , anee of eoal throughout the whole length of the I island, wilh iron of the be§t< quality out of whieh ; is made tho best of eutlery, with g<>ld in rieh ! piacers, and quartz dcposits, with mines of anti- • mony supplying the wants of withratI tans that supply the great Chinese market, with ; benzoin and otber gumsin ahunuanee, with eofiee t . eotton, sugar, and all otlter tropieai pvoducts; and with enougli teak timber, the best of timber :to build all Ihe navies of the world, What is ilawaii, or tho sons of Ilawaii, that anybody | should be mindful of us? . Or think to eoiee here : and colonize?

I It is reported tbat tliere are inslanees of per- ! sons known to be iepers on the other isU?kls, who i imve reeently antieipate<l the aelkm oftheauthor(itiee in theiv hj ooming to Ilonolulu of their . own inotion i\nd puiting themselves under medl- ; eal treatment hei\\ thus evadinp; the law wlneh , ri>quirc6 their apprehension and exaimna:ion, and ' eveutual deportation. lf ttiis re}vnl, whieh eOmes to us irom gOv»d authority, 8lu»uhl pr».\e to he v\>rreet, it ii* n *tate of that not he allowed to oxiiSt a gingle day/ Of Avhat- use ! >viil it he for us to make a pivtense of thedi?etM it the work is not done thowu«;hlv? allow auy no matCer what his mnk or eireimi>umo ot whoiu there i$ good iva<on lo helieve that he leprosy to eontinue at lar«*v amon;!: theptoj>k, woi&M 'lhe xvretehed <-j i vii «»{ t? l ilui » t••