Nuhou, Volume I, Number 21, 6 May 1873 — Economize [ARTICLE]


Aii'l ho(?omc indcpoticlent of your but we t do not say diBpcnsc with tbcoi, \ou produwr8 s nced thc iactor, broker, agent s or couiujib i j mcvcliant in Honoiulu, but if you v;« uld t!n > -, { and lie wou!d thrivej. and the vyhole coiiDtrv ; thrive, thc producer mu«t r«ot havc a heuvy load ■ of adyance wlth an cvev. eating, worrying largcj interef>t to carry, heeauee iu eaeh a case. he will | have to give way to irregular and fovc.ed activity,, the pjanter will over-strain in' production 3 aiul: the grazier will saeriiicc or injure his stock, and thus t{he hest interests of tbe country arc injurcd . by indebteuiiess, Producers s get out of debt, | and when onee squ<; re raisc up your right hands ■ aud swcar before hcavcn and your Avivcs and: ehildren, that you will cschew dcbt hcnceforth forevern>ore, and that you \aKl never pay anoiherJ doiiar of interest. Economi/"e, iny friend, and | when the victory is won, have a feaet of lovc, and | a jubiicc of independence around the family aitar ī and good wiie, make him swear that he will dn; no more with 12jper'ceut. !

j * ; j g3p" llerberE has hls peeuliariii£S, I>iit a great j j many 4t pufc up with hlm " at this tiuie, | | Wo woulel Hkc to eee a iiian who, not I | blame his will? lbr evcrything that gocs wroiag | about the house. — | 3ST If ■ you arc (brced to go to law; it is ii6ually i a wi«e plan to emploj a lawyer; but Hometimeß, I it'is bcttci'to emp!oy a jiulge. • j idea of ialeehooii wan to 44 iie like I a Eulleim," Mapoleon was uever in )lodolulu, | and what could havc madc hīui say so i ' ■ * | \J3P What geiitlemau woukl iiot rather be ,cod- | tsnt to make ten do!lars a week, by selling slioe? r | thap to earn twent3 T -jive dollars a week by i«aking | them? | (āp* Since thc arvival of fchc Eenkia, lasfc New Year, and up to date, the ibur wav ships Caīlfornia f Bcout) Benkia, auā Camcko?i liavc spent in ! this-town a little over one hundvcd thoueand dolI lar£, | Qsp Some iypograpbieal orror'B are very annoyI ing, but they eannol be avoidcd in the hurry oi 1 making up a newspaper; as fur instanee, ioeomo- ! tion instead ol* loamwiii'e, iu our artiele m last ! Friday'f> issue t 4i i\ Trip to the lsk-ucb. ?? I jgT Cau our kanakae, who aro diminkhing at i the rate of ovcr one thousand a vcar and who ! arc nearly all eick x - aflbrd to meuey to eon- : vert tlre iieaithy iieallien ol other Ioks? We are of opinion tliat they need all thelr spare eaeh to pay for their fuuerals, and moie doetois s Look at thc palm iubk»is*om wiihin the Theatre enelosuie on the sidc of Alakea streok' We that thm is the thai has bloomed in klamK "Whao an aitiele of eommercc ie tho lietel nut lu Aela a\id Asiatie Maiuin. lt is morc exten*ively usoct than tv>baeco in Kui\'pe and America, Wk ru\M ly believt> that Frovkicnee has ovcr-| ruled thc destinies vf llawali nei * * it direeied the event6 of the pa»t ten yeat^, u The < ten yeat£ will e\er be knowu m llawaiiau! tnsi n a< * The K< ign of %" ' 'lh t tv\o ap] uj the ?ame papei ; wnhiii kh uii A* they j»ro&eut e iiitle nu i * miii.'i. we t\umot t!ieiu out ol ,! I( »d, ,11, l , \<l ' « V 'i • i » »1 \* ) inlio )4t I

" CsvsrAi>;/ ? —We h;\ve kok» d at ruu>u b«..a4 tllui] «ug:;r the lincst %ve e•, cr' w, f; - :'j Kaupaku'-a, Planlalion, whieh has. largcst vacuum pan ijj the cuuntry The crjstralß, o<: largc as bird f;hot, lsjk lih ,! Chir:»4»' ' rodk ct;ndy. 'l'lie-e " would etan 1 x «i ! 1 in the Au<*traliaii UYd(h:t, an<? beat t}jfythir.;: | that Mauritius ean proc uee. 1 Ac;LiMATizATioN.—Th"erc ar-j nuijibcr-} vf i| ī ! molla and birde of forei"n cuuntri«:>, whieh \vjuM ' thJ*ive to great advanta in thesc \\ r >_ | that parties eoniii g from the Cua-;t wil! i tui-c to bring a few dcei* for instance ; one ur -Iy-u ! patrf« would no doubt find ready «ale. Also"liv*_ lqukils, c«pccia!ly moun :nin nuail; superior urtc;>-: ! offowle ; goldcn pheae^n'i^. We would be gli,u I to! introduce the lama into thepe island*. W. i have the elimaie, and| ehoiee mounlain pastiu;I cxactly guited to thc Japja Hn(Ttcal thibot or ea-L mcrcgoat, : . ' ! ,j

. oy Costa Rica/ vv -—Thift fiiie propūllcr Bt€īimed bat of -our liarbor on iSaturday lanli afc 12:30 p. M. undcr circuDistances of loaeh »ntereBt, and witb grcat eelaL There had beeti a i?vely-fgoiing a\vak€Dod in beha!f of this vessel s oa aeeounl of the hope that she woukl run as a regular packct betwcon this port and San ]'TanciBco; and besides she took awaj a large numbcr of resideuts who leave many dear friendH •)ehind v and 86 there waa a lively, and atfectionate parting. The Band was alongBide on ihe wharf ? anu added to the eshilaiation of the oeeaeion with svveK and spirited .airs, therr-fbre t'verybody wa3 u\ovcd to tender adieus and iiad a eordial hand-shake, or a tear, and a lasfc wave of i he poeket handkerehief for ;ill of their departlng friends. Tbcre was a little hitch in getting out. I t is said that owing to the bow lines being cast oll' too Boon without 'the knowledge of the pilot, the Costa JRim got a litrle too eloee into the reeu jußt on thc turn ? at tl»e foot of the Esplahade; however, she soon .got lier head round, and jnaking her way through the ehannel she went on her eourse easy and graceful, like a mighty sea l>ird. She had over forty passengers and freight worth $80,000, ehe was well down in the water, fully twenty feet by the stern, and about sisteen feet at her bow. —— t ThePkomexade CoycEHT-last Thursday evening, was highJy attractive and interesting. The eeho pcrformauc'e i'n the hymn of Kamehaiueha wos a oovelty that elicited the liveliest 4 admiration. fhe eleav, Btjll, starry even ing inßpired 4i large < ompany to turn out, and the*llotei being fuil of guest : s,-the baleonies were in eoneequence well erowded with ladios and gentlenien enjoying Ihe ridmirable mußie of the Band, and the■ cvenn)g. But therc was one drawback to ihek cnjoyment, the lōud lalking and disturbanee « .f oertain wantcd to make it appear ?hat they were so i umā to that sort of thing, M a eoukl not command any quiet attention on their |mrt, Tf you want to spot a snob, wlio really does not know, and has not Been mueh, you will rlnd lnm in one who affeetsa noisy indifference to un entertainment that is gratifying quiet amlaen•ihle people. Talk between pieces as mueh ns you please; or even whisper in the ear of your fair lriend, your criticism, during the performanee; but don't epoil the pleasure of others by making a noisy fuss during thc performance of the niuaie. Doii't.

Tiie iC Calīfornia n saik< to-morrow morniDg. We certainly have every reason to wish her oitieei'B and all hor people a pleasaut voyage hoine, and ail ])o?bible euccess, We alwa) ! 6 expeet to iind gentlemeu on a elnp-of-war, but we tlHind something more iu this nohle vcfc?f?el—j?omc very kinel aiid eourteoviB iriende, We tshall regret iheir depnvturc. The Kiug anel all Hi? people will regrefe Ihe departure of the Cai{fbrnia t whose presenee hcre hae been only that of a kind, eonHtderate and I>enefieenfc lriend to the eountry, Sueh f?hips-of-war are only me?sengera of peaee and proteetion, And ehull not men-of-war have fheir triumphsjbr nweh peaeeful eonquestH? For we are n 11 eonquered by the kindness and eourtesy »f Admiral Peni!sek an<i the ,offieerfi of the f!ag*h»p C(viforni( The 6ummitof Mokuaweoweo «euds ferth i Htrēāin of light and a eolumn of mnoke ; and Huwaiī is eiiaken a liule We may expeet an4ht r erupti.on, nnd on!y wbh that ohl mother *de \\(Vi|d h'>id up a t»ir till thaf ei-owii of » vruri. -• •• • • f v'.: arrive